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MBTI's various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?

MBTI's various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?
The Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year, and it is also the time when the differences in people's personalities are best reflected. People with different MBTI types have very different ways and mentality of celebrating the New Year. Today we will take a look at the different states of people E and I during the Chinese New Year. Which type of person do you belong to? ##E peo...

Love temperament and compatibility of MBTI personality types

Love temperament and compatibility of MBTI personality types
The MBTI is a widely used personality test that divides people into 16 different personality types, each represented by four letters. MBTI personality type can reflect a person's way of thinking, behavior patterns, values ​​and emotional tendencies, thereby affecting their performance and choices in love. In this article, we’ll explore the romantic temperaments of each personality type and the typ...

LGBTQ+ term list

##A ###Abro (sexual orientation and romantic orientation) is a term used to describe people whose sexual orientation and/or romantic orientation changes over time or life experiences. They may use different words to express their identity. ###Ace is a general term used to describe people who have no, irregular, or occasional sexual attractions. This includes asexuals as well as demisexuals and gre...

What is LGBT? One article to help you understand the mystery of gender diversity

LGBT refers to the abbreviation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Like heterosexual, they are used to describe people's sexual orientation or gender identity. terms of. These terms are explained in more detail below. ##Lesbian A lesbian is a woman who is romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to women. Many lesbians prefer to be called lesbians rather than gays. ##Gay Men A gay ...

Use the MBTI theory to classify China's provinces and see what kind of character your province is like?

The MBTI test is very popular on the Internet. Many people like to use it to understand the personality characteristics of themselves and others. They also like to use it to analyze various things and phenomena, such as movies, animations, celebrities, etc. So, if we take Chinese provinces as individuals and use MBTI to analyze Chinese provinces, what results will we get? This is an interesting bu...

Know Yourself: From Socratic Quotes to a Journey of Self-Discovery

Have you ever asked yourself: Who am I? What do I want? What are my strengths and weaknesses? How do I get along with others? How do I make the right choice? These questions may seem simple, but they are often difficult to answer. To understand yourself, you need to go on a journey of self-discovery, explore your inner world, and understand your personality, values, interests, goals, and potential...

MBTI book list: 10 must-read books to help you understand yourself, discover your potential, and improve your leadership skills

Do you want to understand your personality type, discover your potential and strengths, find a career direction that suits you, and improve your leadership and interpersonal relationships? If your answer is yes, then you must not miss the following MBTI-related books. They will take you into a new world of psychology, allowing you to understand yourself, understand others, and win in character! ##...

MBTI Cognitive Function: Understanding your own and other people’s thinking patterns

##MBTI’s 8 Cognitive Functions Have you ever wondered why some people like risk-taking and innovation, while others like stability and tradition? Why do some people like logic and analysis, while others like emotion and empathy? Why do some people like planning and organization, while others like flexibility and randomness? These questions can all be answered using the MBTI cognitive function. MBT...

MBTI cognitive function: Fi function-pursuing intrinsic value

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation | Characteristics | --| --- | --- | | Extraverted intuition | Ne | Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively | | Introversion Intuition | Ni | Convergent association; seeks unchanging and common truths, ...

MBTI Cognitive Function: Fe Function - Focus on Harmony and Emotion

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation | Characteristics | --| --- | --- | | Extraverted intuition | Ne | Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively | | Introversion Intuition | Ni | Convergent association; seeks unchanging and common truths, ...

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