Determining a woman’s personality from breast shape

The underwear a woman wears often reveals a person’s personality more than the outerwear. Your outerwear says what you want the world to see of you, and your underwear reflects who you think you are. According to the German Bild newspaper, sex scientist Piero. Lorenzoni said: “A woman’s breasts can indicate her character as much as her zodiac sign.” Lorenzoni classified breasts by which fruit shape they were in, and he said men could draw their own similar ones accordingly. A breast and personality analysis chart, like a horoscope, shows the relationship between a woman’s breast size and her personality. According to him, if a woman’s breasts are round and big like watermelons, it means she may be a mother, but in fact it shows much more than that. Lorenzoni said: “Such women like to eat and want to be pampered and praised, but they are not very interested in sex.” There is a very close relationship between the shape of female breasts, the shape of the nipples, the color of the areola and the woman’s personality: erect nipples Women with small nipples are generous, decisive and authoritarian, and they like to be superior to men; women with small nipples are good at calculating and hiding themselves. They have little interest in sex life, but are always ready to satisfy any sexual fantasy of men; women with rose-colored areolas show that they are gentle, kind-hearted, and kind-hearted; while women with light-black nipples are passionate, bold, and adventurous. Dare to do something.

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