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psychological tests
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What position in the class are you suitable for?

Life/interesting 10 1 minute
In our student life, the role of "class committee" plays a vital role. They are not only teachers’ right-hand assistants, but also role models and leaders in the minds of their classmates. Whether on campus or many years after entering society, the influence of the class committee cannot be underestimated. Serving as a class committee member means taking on a heavy responsibility and winning the t...

Test how you can get your boss to appreciate you

Workplace psychological test: Do you feel that you are very good and talented, but you are not appreciated by your boss? How can I be appreciated by my boss for being such an excellent person? How can I let him see my talent? How about making him look at me with admiration and appreciate you and me very much? So do you want to know how to get appreciation from your boss? Then let’s take a test tog...

Measure the level of mental fatigue among office workers

Mental/Health 10 2 minute
Many office workers suffer from varying degrees of psychological fatigue, but some people are unwilling to face up to their fatigue, and more often do not understand whether their state is truly psychological fatigue. So let’s test it quickly! This test is a simple self-assessment tool and is not a substitute for a professional mental health evaluation. If you are concerned about your mental fatig...

Workplace Potential Stock Test: Test your career potential?

Workplace/career 2 1 minute
This psychological test is a fun way to explore your potential and possible future directions in the workplace. Let's take this test together to see if you're a potential candidate in the workplace. As the saying goes: Gold always shines. When you first enter the workplace, you may not know anything. But it cannot be denied that you can’t do anything. If you have a positive heart, you will do well...

Workplace Self-Assessment: Test whether you should change career tracks?

Workplace/career 2 1 minute
This psychological test looks interesting and helps people reflect on their careers through a fable. After staying in the same work environment for a long time, have you already experienced a period of boredom? Faced with salary freezes and increases, and no career development prospects... Should you continue to struggle, or should you boldly change jobs? Feeling stagnant in your career? Maybe it’...

20 questions to test your best career direction

Workplace/career 2 2 minute 3
This test is a great self-exploration tool to help you understand career directions you might be suitable for. Understanding your career preferences is an important step in career planning. This simple test can help you discover which type of work you have greater passion or potential for. By answering these questions, you can gain a clearer understanding of your career preferences and provide gui...

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