Subconscious: What we don’t know about ourselves

We do all kinds of things, say all kinds of things, and express all kinds of emotions every day. However, have you ever thought that these superficial behaviors and feelings are actually driven by our subconscious minds deep inside? What is the subconscious mind? How does it affect us? Let’s explore this mysterious and important spiritual realm together.

What is the subconscious mind?

The Unconscious Mind refers to those mental activities that are not controlled by our subjective will and are not easily noticed by us, but which invisibly affect our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. The subconscious mind is composed of our experiences, memories, suppressed emotions, primitive desires and needs, ideas, beliefs and values, behavioral patterns, etc. The subconscious mind is not static, but is constantly updated and adjusted as our life experiences and circumstances change.

The subconscious mind and our consciousness (The Conscious Mind) are interconnected and influence each other. Consciousness refers to those mental activities that we can clearly know and control, such as what we are doing, what we think, what we feel, etc. Consciousness is the determination of our actions and choices through conscious thinking. However, consciousness does not exist independently, but is influenced and restricted by the subconscious mind. Sometimes we find ourselves doing things that seem unreasonable or illogical, or having strong or unexplainable reactions to certain things. These may be because there are things hidden in our subconscious that we don’t know or are unwilling to face, thus affecting our consciousness.

Subconscious and Personality

Personality refers to the unique and stable characteristics of a person in his thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Personality is formed by the interaction of genetic factors, environmental factors, personal experiences and other factors. According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, personality can be divided into three parts: id, ego and superego. These three parts do not exist independently, but interact with each other to form a whole. This whole also constitutes our ‘conscious’ and ‘subconscious’ mental activities respectively.

  • Id (ID): The ID is the basis of personality formation, the main source of our spiritual energy and the seat of our instincts. The id represents our most primitive and selfish desires and needs, such as cravings for food, water, sex, etc. The ego does not consider reality and morality, and only pursues happiness and satisfaction. The id is largely made up of the subconscious mind.
  • Ego: The ego is the part responsible for contact with the real world and the main part of our consciousness. The ego coordinates between the id, superego, and the external environment to achieve optimal balance. The self thinks realistically and logically and develops a plan of action to control the blind impulses of the id. The self is composed of mental activities such as consciousness, preconscious mind (The Preconscious Mind) and subconscious mind.
  • Superego: The superego is the judicial branch of the personality and the seat of our moral compass. The superego represents our judgment of good and bad behavior, right and wrong, and the pursuit of perfection. The superego is formed by the traditional values and ideals of society, as well as the teachings of parents. The role of the superego is to suppress the impulses of the id and convince the self of the reality, thereby achieving moral standards and striving for perfection. A large part of the superego is made up of the subconscious mind, and a small part is made up of the conscious mind.

How is the subconscious formed?

The subconscious has a lot to do with our growth and family of origin. Family of Origin refers to the family in which we were born and grew up, including our parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. Our family of origin is our earliest and most important social environment, and it is also the main source of our personality and subconscious.

From birth to adulthood, we have complex and profound relationships with everyone in our family of origin. These relationships not only influence how we view ourselves and others, but also our attitudes toward the world and life. Everything we have experienced in our original family, whether it is happiness or pain, will be imprinted in our subconscious and become an indispensable part of us.

Even if we leave our original family, we have formed some thoughts, beliefs and behavioral patterns in our subconscious, which will unknowingly affect our interactions with others and society. Sometimes we find ourselves having strong or unexplainable reactions to certain things, such as anger, disappointment, sympathy, etc. These may be because these things trigger some experiences, emotions or needs hidden in our subconscious.

Subconscious Test

If you want to know more about what is hidden in your subconscious mind, you can try this subconscious test: Click me. This test is designed based on Freudian psychoanalysis and uses some simple and interesting questions to reveal your subconscious thoughts and feelings about yourself, others and the world. You may find some answers that surprise or inspire you, or they may help you know and understand yourself better.


The subconscious mind is a mysterious and important spiritual realm that affects our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors every day. Understanding our own subconscious can help us better know and understand ourselves, and can also help us better deal with and solve some psychological problems and troubles.

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