Free MBTI Personality Test

Do you want to know your MBTI personality type? Do you want to explore a career direction that suits you? Do you want to find the person who is most compatible with you? The MBTI career personality test can help you realize these wishes. The MBTI test is an internationally recognized personality test that allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Here, you only need to spend a few minutes to complete the MBTI personality test for free, quickly and accurately, and get professional personality analysis and advice. Come and try it, you will discover a brand new you.

MBTI personality type indicator

MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality test designed based on Carl Jung's psychological type theory that can measure and describe people. Psychological activity patterns and personality types in obtaining information, making decisions, and dealing with life. It was developed by mother and daughter Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs after years of research and development. It is currently the most popular in the world. and one of the authoritative personality classification systems.

MBTI divides people into sixteen possible personality types, aiming to help people better understand their own and others' personality traits, values, and behavioral habits, and can assist in exploration of career planning, interpersonal communication, self-growth and other aspects. It enables people to appreciate and respect differences for better communication, relationships, teamwork and a better life.

Since the 1980s, the MBTI has been widely used by businesses, universities, the military, and other organizations to assess personality. In the field of personality research, MBTI is the most famous, authoritative and most widely used personality testing tool in the world today. It is mainly used in education, career planning consulting, team building, career development, marriage counseling and other fields.


MBTI personality theory basis

MBTI personality theory divides people's personality types into four dimensions. Each dimension has two opposite tendencies to describe a person's personality. There are eight aspects in total, each represented by a letter.

control of energy:Extraversion E — Introversion I


Extroverts are energized by being around people in busy, active environments. They tend to be more expressive and outspoken.



Introverts are energized by spending quiet time alone or with a small group of people. They tend to be more reserved and considerate.

The E/I dimension describes the way a person manages their energy: How do you direct and receive energy—by focusing on the external world, interacting with people, and taking action, or by focusing on the internal world, thinking about ideas, memories, and experiences?

Understand the world:Sensing S — iNtuition N


Focus on their five senses and be interested in information they can directly see, hear, feel, etc. They tend to be hands-on learners, often described as “practical.”



Focuses on more abstract levels of thinking; they are more interested in theories, patterns, and explanations. They tend to be more concerned with the future than with the present, and are often described as 'creative.'

The S/N dimension describes the way a person receives information: How do you obtain information—by focusing on things you perceive with your five senses, or by seeing the big picture and looking for relationships and patterns?

judge things:Thinking T — Feeling F


Prefer to use their brains to make decisions; they are interested in finding the most logical and reasonable option.



Prefers to make decisions internally; they are interested in how a decision will affect people and whether it aligns with their values.

The T/F dimension describes the way a person makes decisions: How do you make decisions and reach conclusions—by analyzing situations logically, or by considering the importance of the people involved?

attitude towards life:Judging J — Perceiving P


Likes to live in a planned and organized way and likes to make conclusions and decisions.



Prefers to live life in a spontaneous, adaptive way and likes to keep options open.

The J/P dimension describes a person's preferred lifestyle: How do you face the outside world - in a planned and orderly way, or in a more flexible and spontaneous way?

The tendencies of the four dimensions are either/or, and will have different proportions in each person, and different proportions will lead to different performances. Sixteen personality types can be combined based on the different tendencies of the four dimensions. The 16 types are referred to by four-letter abbreviations, each letter representing a personality tendency. For example, the personality type that tends to be introverted, intuitive, emotional and judgmental is 'INFJ' (intuition tendency is represented by 'N' To avoid confusion with 'Introverted'), these abbreviations apply to all 16 types.

MBTI sixteen personality types

The MBTI test can help you identify your natural tendencies along these four personality dimensions, classifying you as one of 16 different MBTI personality types. The sixteen personality types of MBTI are:



Imaginative and strategic thinker, everything is planned.



A creative inventor with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.



Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders always find or create solutions.



A smart and curious thinker who won't give up on any intellectual challenge.



Quiet and mysterious, yet inspiring and tireless idealist.



Poetic, kind-hearted altruist, always enthusiastic to help for the right cause.



Charismatic and inspirational leaders have the ability to captivate their audiences.



Enthusiastic, creative, social and free-spirited person who always finds a reason to smile.



A practical and fact-oriented person whose reliability cannot be questioned.



A very dedicated and warm guardian, always ready to protect the people he loves.



A great manager is unparalleled in his ability to manage things or people.



Extremely compassionate, social and popular people, always eager to help.



Bold and practical experimentalist, adept at using any form of tool.



Flexible and charming artist, always ready to explore and experience new things.



Smart, energetic and perceptive people who truly enjoy living on the edge.



Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic Entertainers - life is never boring around them.

There are no good or bad personality types; no one personality type is better than another; each type has their own equally valuable gifts, strengths, and contributions. It's also important to understand that while certain types tend to naturally gravitate toward specific behavioral styles, a person's personality type does not absolutely predict their behavior or what they are good at. For example, although we often think of ENTJs as possessing qualities associated with leadership, if an individual ENTJ does not develop related skills, he or she may not be a particularly good leader. Personality type may predispose a person to a certain way, but the final outcome depends on many more factors. Understanding these types can give you objective insight into yourself, thereby improving your professional and personal relationships, as well as your directions, priorities, and choices.

PsycTest MBTI communication group

MBTI QQ communication group, you are welcome to join, QQ group number:162421857

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Whether you are a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, we welcome you to join. Here, meet MBTI, explore the mystery of MBTI personality together, discover your potential, and grow together!


Free MBTI Test

Character determines destiny. What is my personality type? How do I know what personality type I have? Take our free personality test!

PsycTest offers you multiple versions of the free MBTI personality test to meet different needs and time constraints. We have carefully prepared the following versions for you to choose from:

  1. Quick trial version (12 questions): If you have limited time but still want to get a brief MBTI personality type assessment, this version is the best choice for you. By answering just 12 questions, you'll be able to get preliminary personality type hints.
  2. Simple version (28 questions): This version provides a more comprehensive range of questions while remaining concise. After answering 28 questions, you will get a more detailed personality type result and understand your main preferences and tendencies.
  3. Classic version (72 questions): If you want a more comprehensive personality test, we recommend choosing the classic version. This version consists of 72 questions covering a wider range of personality traits and cognitive functions. Through this test, you will get a more detailed and accurate analysis of your personality type.
  4. Standard version (93 questions): This version is a more in-depth and comprehensive MBTI personality test. By answering 93 questions, you will gain more details and insights about yourself, providing a deeper understanding of your personality traits and behavioral preferences.
  5. Professional version (145 questions): For those who have higher requirements for their personality type, we recommend choosing the professional version. This version contains 145 questions and provides the most comprehensive and accurate personality type analysis through more detailed and precise assessments.
  6. Full version (200 questions): This version is the most comprehensive MBTI personality test. By answering 200 questions, you will get the most comprehensive and detailed personality type assessment to explore your cognitive functions, behavioral preferences and development potential.

No matter which version you choose, PsycTest will generate a personalized personality type report for you based on your answers, helping you better understand yourself, develop your personal potential, and provide useful guidance in career development, interpersonal relationships, etc. Whether you are new to the MBTI or want to learn more about your personality type, we have the right test version for you to choose from. Come and experience PsycTest’s MBTI personality test and discover more interesting and useful information about yourself!