PsycTest User Registration Agreement Terms

Update time: June 26, 2023

Effective date: June 26, 2023

respected user:

You are welcome to choose and use PsycTest products.

PsycTest reminds you that please read all the following content carefully, especially the terms in bold or other reasonable ways to draw your attention, and please focus on reading the terms (especially the terms of intellectual property authorization and personal information use authorization). If you do not agree with any or all of the terms of this Agreement, please do not proceed to the next step or use the services under this Agreement in the form of confirmation (including but not limited to: clicking to confirm, entering the application program, etc.).

(1) Confirmation of PsycTest User Registration Agreement

When you confirm your acceptance of the PsycTest User Registration Agreement (hereinafter referred to as ’this Agreement’ or ‘User Agreement’) or agree to use PsycTest products through the PsycTest platform (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Platform’), you represent that you, as Party B (hereinafter referred to as ‘Party B’, ‘User’ ‘) has reached an agreement with PsycTest (Platform operating entity: PsycTest, hereinafter referred to as ‘Party A’, ‘PsycTest’), and voluntarily accepts and abides by all service specifications and related subsections involved in the services provided by PsycTest, including this Agreement. Agreements, management specifications, service rules, etc. You can use products on the platform according to your own needs, including but not limited to evaluation, consultation, reading, Q&A and other products. Before using the above products, you should understand the usage rules of the relevant products, and use them after reading them in detail, understanding and agreeing.

PsycTest has the right to update this agreement and related sub-agreements, management specifications, product usage rules and other documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘Service Agreement’), including but not limited to publishing or revising PsycTest service rules, usage rules, announcements, and reminders from time to time , notices and other content, the update will be notified and reminded of your attention through system prompts, site information push and/or the contact information you left in PsycTest. The updated content will take effect on the date specified in the aforementioned notifications and reminders. If you continue to use the service, it means that you agree to accept our updated service agreement. The description of your rights and obligations, service content, fees and settlement standards, etc., shall be subject to the latest service agreement. If you do not agree to the changed service agreement, please stop using this product and service.

PsycTest: The PsycTest website (including mobile and PC), mini programs, and other network channels operated by the client.

PsycTest platform services: including but not limited to evaluation, consultation, reading, Q&A, knowledge popularization and other product services provided by PsycTest on the platform.

According to this agreement, PsycTest provides you with platform products and services, and you will use the products and services through the PsycTest platform. The specific content of the agreement is for both parties to abide by and implement:

(3) Platform services

  1. Party A provides Party B with a service medium on the platform, through which Party B has the right to use the products and services provided by the PsycTest platform.

  2. If the content of the User Agreement conflicts with other individual product rules, service rules, website rules or service agreements, other special rules shall prevail.

  3. Before using relevant products, users should fully read and understand the content of the product rules (if any), and agree to enjoy and use product services in accordance with the page rules.

  4. PsycTest has the right to update, optimize, remove, suspend, and terminate platform functions, products, services, etc. based on operational needs. Whenever PsycTest launches new modules, functions, products or services, the contents of this User Agreement shall apply.

  5. PsycTest has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of platform services due to regular or irregular platform maintenance or operation needs, and users will be notified by the platform in advance. The platform is not responsible for any delays, inaccuracies, errors, omissions or unavailability of transmission or connections caused by this.

2. Effectiveness and termination of this agreement

(1) Effective

  1. This agreement comes into effect when the user clicks to confirm this user agreement and logs in to use the PsycTest platform.

(2) Situation of termination

  1. [Termination initiated by user] The user has the right to terminate this agreement in any of the following ways:

(1) After the service agreement is updated, the user stops using the PsycTest platform and its products and services;

(2) After the service agreement is updated, the user expressly does not accept the updated service agreement;

(3) The user actively cancels the account.

  1. [Termination initiated by PsycTest] PsycTest has the right to terminate this agreement without notifying the user when the following circumstances occur:

(1) If Party B violates the provisions of the User Agreement, Party A has the right to terminate this Agreement immediately without notifying Party B;

(2) If Party B misappropriates other people’s accounts, publishes illegal/infringing information, defrauds others of property, disrupts the order of the website, uses unfair means to make profits, or commits other illegal/breaching activities, PsycTest has the right to seal or cancel the user’s account;

(3) In addition to the above circumstances, if the user violates the product and service rules related to the PsycTest Service Agreement three times (or more), PsycTest has the right to seal or cancel the user’s account;

(4) The user’s account is canceled by PsycTest in accordance with the user agreement;

(5) Other violations of the user agreement and service agreement.

  1. What to do after the agreement is terminated

(1) [User Information Disclosure] After the termination of this agreement, PsycTest will not provide any information in the account to users or any third party unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations; at the same time, PsycTest is not obliged to retain any information of Party B. Party B shall Save until the agreement is terminated.

(2) [Platform Rights] After the termination of this agreement, PsycTest still enjoys the following rights:

① Continue to save the user’s check and confirmation records of various documents such as service agreements when using the platform and product services, as well as traces and paths of use of products and services (this information shall not involve user usage information cache, user personal information or user privacy) information, etc., and shall not provide this information to any third party);

② The platform reserves the right to pursue liability for breach of contract due to user breach of contract and infringement damage caused.

3. Account registration, use and cancellation

  1. You confirm that: when registering and using the PsycTest platform and its products and services, you should have full civil capacity.

  2. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the consent of your guardian, who will register as a user, and use the PsycTest platform products and services with the consent and supervision of your guardian.

  3. If a user does not have user qualifications, all responsibilities and consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the user and his or her guardian. PsycTest has the right to immediately cancel the account that does not have user qualifications.

  4. The ownership of the account registered and used by Party B belongs to Party A, and Party B has the exclusive right to use the account. No third party may use the account registered by Party B without Party B’s permission. Any operation by any third party using Party B’s account shall be regarded as the operation of Party B himself. .

  5. After users complete the registration process according to the platform registration process, they can obtain the right to use the platform account and become a PsycTest user. Users can use accounts according to the functions displayed on the platform, set or modify account passwords, etc. Users are responsible for the security of their own accounts and passwords.

6. The account may not be transferred, gifted or inherited in any way. If any improper use of the account occurs or may endanger the security of the account, the user should immediately notify PsycTest and request PsycTest to suspend account services; PsycTest also has the right to proactively intervene and suspend the provision of account services.

  1. One user is limited to one account. Where there is improper registration or improper use of multiple accounts, PsycTest has the right to cancel the redundant accounts (the earliest registered account will be retained, and data retention shall be based on the earliest registered account) and refuse to provide user services depending on the situation. Therefore, if losses are caused to PsycTest, the user shall Liability.

  2. Real-name authentication: According to the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, in order to protect network information security and better provide user services to users, PsycTest has the right to require users to complete real-name authentication in a timely manner; when using PsycTest products and services, users must follow the usage rules. If real-name authentication is required, relevant products and services should be used after completing the real-name authentication.

  3. Account cancellation:

(1) Users have the right to actively cancel their accounts (you can cancel by contacting customer service personnel). After the account is canceled, PsycTest shall not continue to retain the user’s personal information, and the user’s personal information shall be deleted within ten working days;

(2) Users can ask PsycTest to delete their personal information while using their accounts; if users ask PsycTest to delete their personal information while using their accounts, some products and services may not be provided, and the user’s losses will be borne by the users themselves; After deleting personal information, PsycTest has the right to suspend account services if the account has not been logged in for a long time.

10. legality

(1) Users shall abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and shall not use PsycTest products and services for any illegal, illegal, or unethical behavior. Otherwise, PsycTest has the right to refuse to provide products and services, cancel accounts, etc. Behaviors including but not limited to the following are strictly prohibited:

① Violates the Constitution, laws, regulations and policies of the People’s Republic of China;

② Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

③ Damaging the honor and interests of the country and nation, harming social and public interests;

④ Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

⑤ Promote cults and feudal superstitions;

⑥ Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability;

⑦ Spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigate illegality or crime;

⑧ Insulting or slandering others or infringing upon others’ legitimate rights and interests;

⑨ Violates social order and good customs and has a bad influence;

⑩ Using accounts, product services, and network service systems for illegal purposes;

⑪ Deliberately creating and spreading computer viruses and other destructive programs;

⑫ Other behaviors that endanger the security of computer information networks;

⑬ Other behaviors prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, and government policies.

(2) The account nickname set by the user must not violate national laws, regulations and relevant rules of PsycTest, and must not use the names of national political figures, names that insult and slander others, or names that infringe third-party intellectual property rights or corporate names. Otherwise, PsycTest has the right to Terminate the use of the user’s account nickname; any ownership disputes, compensation, losses, etc. caused thereby shall be borne by the user.

11. authenticity

(1) When users complete real-name registration and use products and services, they should provide true, accurate, latest and complete personal information. If the information is updated, the account information should be updated in a timely manner to ensure the timeliness of the information.

(2) If the information provided by the user is wrong, untrue, out of date, incomplete or misleading, PsycTest has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of account services.

  1. Update and maintenance

(1) Users should update their account information in a timely manner to ensure that the information provided is current, true, complete and effective.

(2) If PsycTest is unable to contact the user based on the latest contact information provided by the user, the user fails to provide information in a timely manner as required by PsycTest, or the information provided by the user is obviously untrue or is invalid after verification by the administrative and judicial authorities, the user shall bear the consequences. all losses and adverse consequences.

(3) PsycTest has the right to suspend or terminate account services until the user updates the latest user information, and PsycTest does not assume any responsibility for this.

4. User information release rules

  1. The copyright of the information, comments, articles and other content posted by the user belongs to the user or has been authorized by the copyright owner and can be used for publishing on the PsycTest platform. It must not violate the provisions of laws and regulations, social order and good customs, or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party or PsycTest. You are not allowed to fabricate any false information or spread rumors, you are not allowed to publish advertising content or contact information, and the quoted content does not exceed 20% of the published content. Otherwise, PsycTest has the right to remove, delete, block the above information, ban or cancel your account, etc., resulting in Any legal liability shall be borne by the user.

  2. You should ensure that the content you post does not include the following categories:

(1) Violates national laws and regulations;

(2) Interfering with political propaganda, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or instigating crimes;

(3) Fraudulent, false, inaccurate or misleading;

(4) Infringe other people’s intellectual property rights, involve third-party trade secrets or other proprietary rights;

(5) Insulting, slandering, intimidating, involving other people’s privacy, etc. and infringing on other people’s legitimate rights and interests;

(6) May destroy, tamper with, delete, affect the normal operation of the website system, steal platform data, steal user data and personal information;

(7) Publish malware and program codes containing viruses, Trojans, crawlers, etc.;

(8) Publish unverified information and rumors;

(9) Publish non-PsycTest advertising content, personal or other people’s contact information;

(10) Other content that harms public interests, violates public order and good customs, or is not allowed to be published on the website in accordance with other regulations of the platform.

  1. claim

If you believe that the content of this platform (including content posted by other users) or content obtained through this platform may infringe upon your or any third party’s legitimate rights and interests, please provide feedback to PsycTest in writing or through the platform’s ‘Feedback’ channel.

When giving feedback, please provide your identity certificate (ID card information, contact information), content ownership certificate, specific link (URL) and detailed infringement description, etc. PsycTest will verify the corresponding content and contact you as soon as possible; determine the parties to the dispute After receiving the information, both parties will be contacted for coordination.

If the rights notice stated by you is incorrect, you shall bear all legal liability resulting therefrom.

5. [Intellectual Property Authorization]

  1. PsycTest owns all rights (including but not limited to text, pictures, images, photos, audio, video, charts, colors, layout designs, electronic documents) to all products, technologies, programs, materials, and information content (including but not limited to text, pictures, images, photos, audio, video, charts, colors, layout designs, and electronic documents) within the platform. Limited to copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets and all other related rights).

  2. Users agree to authorize the copyright of the works [exclusively] [permanently] [free of charge] to PsycTest for various works published on the platform: including but not limited to reproduction rights, distribution rights, rental rights, exhibition rights, performance rights, screening rights, Broadcasting rights, information network dissemination rights, filming rights, adaptation rights, translation rights, compilation rights, rights protection rights and other copyright property rights that should be enjoyed by the copyright holder.

  3. If various works published by users on the platform are infringed, reprinted or used by a third party, PsycTest has the right to sue the third party individually to assert rights. The costs incurred by PsycTest in filing the lawsuit shall be borne by PsycTest, and all compensation received shall be enjoyed by PsycTest.

  4. PsycTest has the right to use the above types of authorized works, including but not limited to publishing on the platform, publishing on other self-media channels, adapting into other types of works, compiling into other works or compiling together with other works of PsycTest, etc. PsycTest is adapted into other types of works. The ownership of the works and adaptations belongs to PsycTest.

  5. Users have the right to publish the above types of authorized works in their own channels and personal self-media accounts, but they are not allowed to authorize any third party to use them (including authorizing the employer to use them). Users using the above types of authorized works must not hinder the use of PsycTest.

6. [Personal Information Use Authorization]

  1. All rights to the operating data recorded by the PsycTest platform, including but not limited to user information, user lists, user relationships, user usage data, test data, order data, etc. (if any), belong to PsycTest. PsycTest shall not collect the above information beyond the scope of providing products and services, nor may it use the above information beyond the scope of providing products and services.

  2. Without the written consent of PsycTest, no one may use user lists, user relationships, etc. to send promotional information to users, and may not save, back up, leak, use or authorize others to use the aforementioned operational data without authorization. After the user agreement is terminated or cancelled, PsycTest will not provide or back up the above data to users.

  3. The user authorizes PsycTest to use Party A’s personal information in the process of providing products and services within the necessary scope.

  4. If a user cancels his or her account, PsycTest shall promptly delete the user’s personal information; the user has the right to request the deletion of his or her personal information during the use of the account.

7. Personal information and privacy protection

  1. You should properly keep your account information such as your account number and password. If you find that your account has been used by others, you should immediately notify PsycTest for processing.

  2. PsycTest does not assume any responsibility if your account or password is used by others due to force majeure (including hacking, computer viruses, system instability, etc.), fraud by others, or your active disclosure or negligence in safekeeping.

  3. PsycTest attaches great importance to the protection of your information. Your personal information will be regulated and protected in accordance with the ‘PsycTest Privacy Policy’. Users are requested to click and read the ‘PsycTest Privacy Policy’ in full to help you better protect your personal information.

8. Confidentiality obligations

  1. Both parties are responsible for the content of this Agreement and the other party’s business information, business secrets and other undisclosed materials and information obtained or accessed due to the signing and performance of this Agreement (including but not limited to product and service content information, personal privacy, financial information, technical information, etc. ) shall be kept strictly confidential; without the written consent of the other party, neither party shall use all or part of the above information in any way or disclose it to a third party in any way, except for use for the performance of this agreement:

(1) Employees within the recipient who need to know relevant information or its affiliated companies and their employees;

(2) Transactional partners who have confidentiality obligations to the recipient, including law firms (lawyers), accounting firms (accountants), audit firms (auditors), appraisal firms (appraisers), etc.;

(3) Disclosure to government departments, judicial departments, stock exchanges or other regulatory agencies in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, administrative instructions, etc.

  1. Without the written consent of the other party, you may not use or copy the other party’s trademarks, logos, business information, technology and other materials without authorization.

  2. No party shall directly or indirectly make defamatory comments, negative/negative comments on the other party in any way, or conduct any behavior that may adversely affect the reputation of the other party.

  3. The confidentiality period is until the relevant information is placed in the public domain.

9. Anti-bribery

  1. PsycTest adheres to and conscientiously implements various national regulations on anti-commercial bribery, and establishes and improves long-term mechanisms for anti-unfair transactions and anti-commercial bribery.

  2. PsycTest insists on severely cracking down on commercial bribery, and will seriously investigate, punish and educate employees who violate relevant regulations. If the circumstances are serious, they will be transferred to judicial organs for processing; for users or partners who violate relevant regulations, once verified, PsycTest has the right to terminate the user Providing services or cooperative relationships, and if the circumstances are serious, they will be transferred to judicial authorities for handling.

  3. PsycTest is willing to ‘win-win’ a better tomorrow with all users and partners under an open, transparent, fair, equal, and honest cooperation mechanism. We sincerely hope that users and partners can understand and support this PsycTest’s anti-commercial bribery policy, and welcome supervision of PsycTest and its employees, and provide timely feedback to PsycTest when relevant situations are discovered.

10. Disclaimer

  1. safe harbor principle

(1) Information, comments, articles, pictures and other content published by users and authorized for use by PsycTest should comply with the ‘User Information Release Rules’. PsycTest does not provide guarantee obligations for the above content published by users.

(2) If a third party believes that the content published by the user is illegal or infringing, the relevant responsibilities and damages shall be proactively resolved by the user and shall bear corresponding responsibilities. PsycTest has the right to delete the above content in a timely manner.

  1. external link

In principle, PsycTest does not allow the dissemination of any external links on the platform. Therefore, it is not responsible for the availability and security of external links on the platform. It does not endorse any content, promotion, products, services, etc. of external links. Anyone who finds external links should report it to PsycTest in a timely manner. , removed from the shelves by PsycTest.

Any disputes arising from the use of external links have nothing to do with PsycTest, and PsycTest does not assume any responsibility for any external links.

  1. psychological assessment

(1) The psychological assessment is developed in accordance with the general rules of psychology. The results after the user completes the test are automatically generated by the system. The assessment results and personal analysis reports are only for the user’s unilateral reference. PsycTest does not assume any guarantee obligation for the assessment results and does not assume any form of liability. Legal liability; shall not be used for the treatment of mental illness, intervention or relief of psychological crisis, etc.

(2) No refunds will be given for problems not caused by the evaluation system.

  1. PsycTest does not guarantee the timeliness, security, and accuracy of network services caused by force majeure factors or third parties. Users must save their relevant information in a timely manner, otherwise the platform will not be responsible for any losses caused by network service interruption, repair, maintenance, etc.

11. Liability for breach of contract

  1. Both parties to the agreement shall strictly abide by the user agreement and relevant service agreements and rules, and shall not violate the agreement or damage the legitimate rights and interests of the other party, or use the platform to damage the legitimate rights and interests of a third party.

  2. When one party to the agreement becomes aware of the other party’s breach of contract, it has the right to notify the breaching party to take effective and reasonable remedial measures to correct the breach and compensate the non-breaching party for losses. If the defaulting party fails to correct the breach within seven days after receiving the notice, the non-defaulting party has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement in writing and cancel the account.

  3. The non-defaulting party’s termination of this agreement or the defaulting party’s remedial measures shall not prevent the non-defaulting party from pursuing the defaulting party’s liability for breach of contract in accordance with the contract.

  4. Liability for breach of contract:

If the platform causes damage to visitors due to breach of contract, infringement or other reasons, the platform shall be liable for damages limited to the total amount actually paid by the visitor.

If a visitor causes damage to the platform due to breach of contract, infringement or other reasons, the amount of damages shall be limited to the actual loss of the platform.

  1. Losses: including but not limited to compensation to third parties, loss of income, loss of investment costs, travel expenses for rights protection, litigation fees, notary fees, attorney fees, etc.

12. Effective notification and platform contact information

  1. Users should accurately fill in and promptly update the email address, contact number, contact address, postal code and other contact information provided to PsycTest to ensure the validity of the contact information so that PsycTest can contact effectively and timely through the contact information provided by the user.

  2. The user cannot be contacted through the contact information provided by the user, resulting in any losses or increased costs to the platform, consultant fees, user’s own losses, failure to be informed of service agreement updates in a timely manner, etc., and the user shall bear full responsibility.

  3. Platform contact information:


PsycTest uses the above platform contact information as effective delivery information. Notices and other related documents that PsycTest delivers to users through the email addresses provided by users are considered effective delivery.

13. Others

  1. Neither party to this Agreement has the right to make any representations or warranties, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  2. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable due to changes in laws, regulations, or policies, the individual invalidity of this provision will not affect the validity of other provisions, which will still have legal effect.

  3. Party A and Party B shall jointly abide by the contents of this agreement. If any dispute occurs during the implementation process, they shall negotiate amicably. If negotiation fails, both parties have the right to file a lawsuit for settlement, and the laws of the People’s Republic of China shall apply.

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