MBTI’s best CP combination: ESFP+ISFP

Hello everyone, this is PsycTest, which focuses on providing free online psychological tests. Today we are going to talk about a super sweet CP combination in MBTI, which is ESFP+ISFP.

Do you know what kind of character they are? Why can they become the best CP? What kind of problems and challenges will they encounter? The answer will be revealed to you next.

Best CP combination: ESFP+ISFP

ESFP and ISFP both belong to SP type, that is, feeling-perception type people. They share many common characteristics, such as:

  • Both ESFPs and ISFPs are realists who prefer to accept facts rather than fantasize about ideals. They are good at adapting to the environment, handling emergencies, and will not be knocked down by difficulties and pressure.
  • ESFP and ISFP are also actioners who like to experience things firsthand rather than just talk about theory. They are willing to try new things, look for excitement and fun, and do not stick to traditions and rules.
  • At the same time, both ESFP and ISFP are emotional people who value their feelings rather than logic and analysis. They are compassionate and good at expressing their emotions without being cold and distant.

Because they have so many similarities, they can easily understand and appreciate each other, forming a tacit understanding and trust. They will feel that the other person is their soul mate and can give them the most real and comfortable feeling.

Recommended reading:

MBTI | ESFP personality type interpretation

MBTI | ISFP personality type interpretation

Complementarity and conflict between ESFP and ISFP

However, they also have some differences that are both complementary and potentially problematic, such as:

  • ESFPs are extroverts. They like to socialize, like to communicate with others, like to be the center of attention, and are not shy or introverted.
  • ISFPs are introverts. They like to be alone, like to communicate with themselves, keep a low profile, and will not be ostentatious or outgoing.

Such differences sometimes make their relationship richer and more interesting, because the ESFP can lead the ISFP out of the comfort zone and get to know more people and things, and the ISFP can help the ESFP calm down and enjoy some quiet and private time. They can learn from each other, grow from each other, and balance each other.

However, sometimes there will be some friction and conflict in their relationship, because the ESFP may feel that the ISFP is too withdrawn and boring, and is unwilling to play with them, while the ISFP may feel that the ESFP is too lively and impetuous, and does not know how to communicate with others. Communicate yourself. They may misunderstand each other and complain to each other.

So, how should they solve these problems? Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Respect each other’s personality and preferences, do not force the other party to do things you are unwilling to do, and do not accuse the other party of doing things you do not understand. Everyone has their own way and rhythm, don’t force consistency and synchronization.

  2. Communicate the other party’s needs and expectations. Don’t think that the other party can read your mind, and don’t guess the other party’s intentions and motives. Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings, don’t hide and assume.

  3. Compromise to the other party’s requests and suggestions, do not always insist on your own opinions, and do not refuse the other party’s help and support. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, don’t be stubborn and selfish.


Well, that’s it for today. I hope you can get some useful information and inspiration from it. If you are an ESFP or ISFP, or your significant other is an ESFP or ISFP, you are welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your stories and experiences.

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For more information about the best CP combination of MBTI, please read The best CP combination of MBTI personality type.

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/l8xOvp5w/

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