Social Phobia Self-Assessment Test

Interpersonal/Social 5 1 Minutes 6

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a psychological disorder, also known as social anxiety disorder. The main symptom of this disorder is that the individual feels very uneasy and anxious in social situations, especially when being noticed, judged, or criticized. People with social phobia often avoid interacting with others or participating in social activities, which can lead to difficulties in their lives and work.

Social phobia is generally considered an anxiety disorder that not only affects an individual’s emotional and psychological state, but also affects their physical health and quality of life. Social phobia symptoms include:

  1. Feeling extremely anxious or afraid in social situations;
  2. Fear of being embarrassed, judged, or rejected in social situations;
  3. Avoid participating in social activities or communicating with strangers;
  4. Worry and fear about social situations affect daily life and work;
  5. Experience physical discomfort, such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, etc.

The symptoms of social phobia vary in severity. Some people only experience mild discomfort, while others suffer extreme pain and distress. Some people hate or are afraid of facing crowds. They not only feel shy and uncomfortable, I’m sorry, but I have a strong sense of uneasiness and rejection of the world outside myself. If a person’s social phobia symptoms interfere with their daily life and work, then they may need to seek help from psychotherapy or medication.

So do you suffer from social phobia? You can find out by testing.

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