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psychological tests
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Test how ambitious you are

Workplace/career 3 1 minute
In the fast-paced modern life, each of us faces various pressures and challenges. Work, family, social activities – these can all be sources of stress for us. But how do we find balance and relieve stress in our busy lives? This fun psychological test will help you understand your tendencies when faced with stress and how these tendencies reflect your career ambitions. Through simple multiple-choi...

Test what workplace qualities you lack?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute 1
A person without professionalism is like a good dish. Without a little salt, it is tasteless. But in addition to professionalism, you must have other qualities, so that you can truly succeed. But for more young people For me, careerism seems to be everything, but I don’t pay much attention to other qualities. What about you? Just test it and you will know.

Professional personality test questions based on the American RAND Corporation psychological test

Character/Personality 8 2 minute 4
A very famous psychological test of professional personality. This psychological test is based on a set of classic psychological test questions prepared by the famous American RAND Corporation. The psychological test questions were appropriately modified according to the psychological characteristics of the Chinese people. It has now been used by some well-known large companies as a psychological ...

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