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Workplace test: Test what type of office worker you are

Regarding career ideals, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone is moving towards their own ideals. However, with different efforts and different encounters, the results will naturally be different. This is a workplace psychology test to help you find out your career ideals and see what type of office worker you are! Click the start button below to enter the test.

A must-read for those who are confused in the workplace! The Zoo Psychological Test helps you understand whether your current job is suitable for you!

Workplace/career 5 1 minute
Psychological test: There are thousands of types of jobs. Especially for friends who have just graduated or are going through a period of job confusion, they may not know what job they are suitable for. Try this psychological quiz to help you find your way! You can take this quiz with your friends and family~

Have you chosen the right industry?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
As the saying goes: "Men are afraid of doing the wrong thing, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man." But in fact, in today's society, choosing the right industry and finding the right position for you is very important for everyone. Have you chosen the right industry? Give it a try!

What stands out to you when applying for a job?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
If you want to have a good job, you must seize the hard-won good opportunity. If you want to seize the good opportunity, you must show your best side so that others can give you the opportunity. What is your best weapon to win the opportunity? This test can diagnose you with effective self-promotion techniques that work for you during a job interview.

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