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psychological test
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Fun psychological test: test whether you are attacking or receiving

Life/hobbies 1 1 minute 5
Everyone has the right to choose and pursue their own happiness, and they are all worthy of respect. Homosexual love in ancient times was secretive, but today's homosexual love is earth-shattering. Why do you say this? Because today's view of love is more open, whether it is influenced by Western culture or not, the fact is already there. So, do you want to know whether you are attacking or receiv...

Test your love success rate (girls only)

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute
Love is a required course in the process of growing up. Lucky people fall in love successfully once and stay together for life. Some people need to 'retake' this course and 'make up the exam' several times before they can pass it. If you want to know how high the success rate of love is, please test it.

What kind of cute thing do you think in the eyes of men?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 2
It is often said that women are like cats, arrogant, cold, sometimes clingy, and hard to please. But some women are like puppies, serious, persistent, and loyal. Men are irresistible to women who look like small animals. I want to know what kind of cute thing you are in the eyes of men? What is your most fatal temptation for him? This test can tell you the answer.

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