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psychological test
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Psychological Test: Your First Feeling Reveals Your Personality Secrets

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 4
Have you ever thought about how your first feelings affect your actions and decisions? Your first feelings are generated by your subconscious and intuition, and they reflect your personality traits. In this psychological test, you will be given three words and you will be asked to say as quickly as possible how they first make you feel. Don't think about it for too long, don't consider oth...

Career Test: How aggressive are you in your workplace?

Workplace/Career 1 1 minute
You must make steady progress in the workplace, and rash advancement is a big taboo in the workplace, but there will always be people who rashly advance; not knowing that the road ahead will be bumpy, and eventually fall into a trap, and rash advancement is something that everyone who enters the workplace will experience. process, then how to define your own aggressive elements! Although sometimes...

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