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psychological tests
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Psychological test: Do you know how much pressure your personality can withstand?

Mental/Health 1 2 minute 5
Psychological endurance is an individual's ability to withstand and regulate psychological pressure and negative emotions caused by adversity. It mainly refers to the adaptability, tolerance, endurance, and ability to overcome adversity. A certain amount of psychological endurance is an important part of an individual's good psychological quality. "Psychological endurance", like "psychological qua...

How much pressure can your character handle?

Mental/Health 3 1 minute
How much pressure can your character handle? Are you keen on fierce competition and challenges, or do you like to be content with the status quo and not make progress, or are you escaping reality and not accepting pressure? Take this test and you'll find out. You just need to answer "yes" or "no". Please answer with your first reaction.

How about testing your competitiveness?

Workplace/career 2 1 minute 2
Nowadays, competition is everywhere. Whether in school or in the workplace, you have to face all kinds of competition. The following set of test questions can help you test how high your competitive index is and whether you can cope with the increasingly fierce competition in the workplace. Choose the answer that you think is most appropriate, or what might happen if you were in the situation.

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