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psychological tests
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Psychological test: What color is your soul?

Life/interesting 10 1 minute
In this colorful world, everyone has a unique light, which comes from that little spark deep inside us. This spark, perhaps you can call it the soul, is the source of our personality and emotions. By exploring the colors of this spark, we can better understand ourselves and discover our true passions and what motivates us to move forward. The color of the soul is not a simple color, it is a feelin...

Find out what your lucky color is at work

Every once in a while, many people become busy at work. In addition to being more cautious and working harder, luck is also very important! Which colors will bring you good luck in your recent work? The psychological test will tell you the answer! Be sure to choose the color that suits your work! Click the start button below to enter the test immediately.

Test your charm color?

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 2
Everyone has their own unique charm, but do you know what color your charm belongs to? This test will not only tell you the shining points of your charm, but also remind you of the color shortcomings that you need to pay attention to. Come and test your charming color!

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