"Chang'an Thirty Thousand Miles" tells you five skills for personal growth and character quality cultivation. You must learn it.

“Chang’an 30,000 Miles” is a movie set in the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty and tells the life stories of a group of young people such as Gao Shi and Li Bai. This film not only shows their talents and grace, but also their frustrations and confusions, and how they find their own value and meaning in troubled times. This movie brings us many revelations and insights about personal growth.

Looking back, the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains. I once thought that the silt that could not be walked out had reached It’s just like this now, the wind is light and the clouds are calm. ##Personal growth requires self-confidence and courage. Gao Shi, Li Bai and others all have their own goals and ideals. They want to serve the country and the people, want to create immortal poems, and want to pursue their own love and happiness. Their goals and ideals give them the motivation and direction to move forward, as well as the courage and confidence to face difficulties. They do not give up their dreams easily, nor do they change themselves because of other people’s evaluations or social pressure.

A few years after the Anshi Rebellion, Gao Shi was appointed as the military governor of Huainan and faced the Tubo army. Despite the attack, he did not retreat or surrender. Instead, he stood firm in the isolated city and defended his country to the death. Li Bai determined to become a great poet when he was young. Regardless of the opposition of his family and society, he traveled around, made friends with celebrities, and composed many poems that have been passed down through the ages. They demonstrate two important character qualities: confidence and courage. ##Personal growth requires humility and rationality. Gao Shi, Li Bai and others were not self-righteous or blindly confident, but learned from others humbly and rationally analyzed their own strengths and weaknesses. They do not feel proud or inferior because of temporary success or failure, nor do they make wrong or regretful decisions because of temporary emotions or impulses.

After Gao Shi was appointed as the military governor of Huainan, he found that his military ability was not enough to deal with the situation. Faced with the threat of Tubo, he constantly consulted Li Bai, Du Fu and others, and also constantly learned from his subordinates, and eventually became an outstanding general. When Li Bai wrote poetry, he did not remain static. Instead, he constantly absorbed and drew on the poetry styles and techniques of his predecessors and contemporaries. He also constantly tried and innovated the form and content of his own poetry, and finally became a unique poet. They exhibit humility and rationality, two important character qualities. ##Personal growth and character cultivation require dreams and enthusiasm. People such as Gao Shi and Li Bai all have interests and expectations for life. They have views and feelings on the country, society, culture, art, love, friendship and other aspects. They used their lives and works to express their innermost values ​​and meanings, and also used their own values ​​and meanings to influence future generations, transcending time and space. They do not lose their dreams and enthusiasm for life, nor do they become discouraged or depressed because of difficulties or setbacks.

When faced with the siege of the Tibetan army, Gao Shi did not choose to surrender or escape; In order to resist to the end with his men, he used his loyalty and bravery to show the character and integrity of a Tang Dynasty soldier. When faced with the neglect of the imperial court and the changes in society, Li Bai did not choose to compromise or sink, but chose to persist in his poetic ideals. He used his boldness and poetry to show the talent and style of a Tang poet. They display two important character qualities: dream and enthusiasm. ##Personal growth and character development require planning and action. Gao Shi, Li Bai and others were not just daydreams or fantasies, but put them into action. They traveled all over the world, saw the local customs, participated in politics and military affairs, wrote poems and articles, made like-minded friends, and experienced the ups and downs of life. They have clear goals and plans, as well as firm actions and practices. They do not waste time or opportunities because of laziness or procrastination, nor do they stagnate or retreat because of difficulties or obstacles.

After Gao Shi was appointed as the military governor of Huainan, he immediately organized troops for training and defense. Actively fought and negotiated with Tubo, and finally preserved the peace of Huainan. During his travels, Li Bai not only appreciated the beauty of nature, but also felt the prosperity and depression of society. He observed everything in the world with his own eyes and mind, and expressed his perceptions and emotions with his own pen and ink. They exhibit two important character qualities: planning and action. ##Personal growth and character development require kindness and cooperation. Gao Shi, Li Bai and others are not withdrawn or selfish, but treat others in a friendly manner and communicate and interact with others cooperatively. They do not quarrel or conflict because of interests or emotions, nor do they exclude or hurt because of jealousy or hatred. They have true friends and partners who can support and encourage each other when they need it most, and can also guide and inspire each other when they are most lost.

Gao Shi became close friends with Li Bai, Du Fu and others. They sent poems to each other to praise each other, and also Criticize each other and remind each other. Li Bai became lovers with Princess Yuzhen, Cui Hao and others. They confided in each other, comforted each other, and cared about each other and blessed each other. They display two important character qualities: friendliness and cooperation. ##Conclusion “Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang’an” is a very excellent and wonderful movie. It uses exquisite and detailed pictures, beautiful music, touching and tragic stories, and profound and meaningful themes to show a group of young people in the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty. How people grow into outstanding and tragic heroes. This movie is a movie about personal growth, character cultivation, national society, culture and art, etc. It is also a movie that moves, shocks, thinks, and inspires us in various aspects. I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie, and I believe you will also gain a lot from it.

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