LGBT and Ally Basics

Do you understand the terms LGBT and “ally”? If you want to be an ally who supports and respects LGBT people, you need to master some basic terms and concepts, such as the meanings and differences of ‘sex,’ ‘gender identity,’ and ‘sexual orientation.’

LGBT is the acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people. It covers both sexual orientation (LGB) and biological sex or gender identity (T and I). However, it can also refer to anyone who is not heterosexual (straight men, straight women) or cisgender, so it is necessary to recognize other gender and sexual orientation identities. Next, we’ll briefly introduce some common terms and concepts. These are just some of the many terms used to describe sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. A quick tip: Don’t just randomly label others with these labels. Let others define their identity in a way that feels comfortable and authentic to them.

Understand key terms and concepts

Let’s start with the basics:

  • Gender - The genetic and physical characteristics that people are born with, classifying them as male or female.
  • Gender identity - an inner sense of being male, female, or otherwise. Not necessarily the same biological sex that people are born with.
  • Intersex or intersex – A person who is born with atypical sex chromosomes, gonads, or sex organs.
  • Sexual orientation - Romantic, emotional and/or sexual attraction to others.
  • Gender expression - the way your gender is shown to others, such as through mannerisms, clothing and personal interests.
    -Exploring—People who are unsure about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
  • Allies – individuals or organizations who publicly support and affirm the rights and dignity of LGBT people.

Sexual Orientation

  • Lesbian/Gay – Romantic, emotional, and/or sexual attraction to people of the same sex/gender.
  • Bisexuality - Romantic, emotional, and/or sexual attraction to people of multiple genders/genders.

Gender Identity and Expression

  • Cisgender – A person whose gender identity/expression is consistent with the gender assigned at birth.
  • Transgender – A person whose gender identity/expression is inconsistent with the gender assigned at birth.
  • Transition — When people begin to express their true gender, which is different from the gender they were assigned at birth. People who transition may express their gender identity by changing their clothing, hairstyle, and makeup/accessories, or they may undergo medical or surgical treatment.
  • Two-Spirit — A term broadly referring to people in Native American communities who have specific gender or sexual orientation roles. Two-spirit identities and expressions may vary across different cultures and histories, and some may be similar to Western concepts of LGBTQI, while others may not.

Hopefully this article helped you understand the basics of LGBT and allyship. 🌈

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