The secret of the ranking of 16 MBTI personalities: 'Who is the best at making money'

The secret of the ranking of 16 MBTI personalities: 'Who is the best at making money'

You may not know that your character determines your wealth!

The MBTI theory divides people’s personalities into 16 types. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own views and attitudes towards money.

Today, we will reveal who among the 16 personalities has the most talent for making money and who lacks the least money-making skills, as well as their money-making tips and blind spots.

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The test only takes 12 minutes and you can get your personality type and detailed analysis report. MBTI free test address:

After the test, remember to come back and read the analysis to see what your personality ranking is, what your wealth potential is, and what aspects you need to pay attention to to make your wallet richer.

Okay, without further ado, let’s get started!

No. 16, Advocate INFJ.

INFJ is the most idealistic personality. They have rich imagination and creativity, but they often overanalyze things and begin to escape from reality. Therefore, their ability to make money is particularly affected and they dare not think about anything. Go for the real action and therefore get the last place.

Representative figures of INFJ include Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, etc. They are all great thinkers and leaders, but their wealth is not their pursuit. They are more concerned about social justice and humanity. well-being.

No. 15, Explorer ISFP.

ISFP is a personality that combines idealism and sensibility. Not only do they have strong observation skills and good aesthetics, they also don’t like to follow the mainstream. They are also not good at planning and organization, which affects their ability to make money, and they are content with the status quo. I hate having my rhythm disrupted by others.

The personality of ISFP makes them highly talented in the field of art. They can express their emotions and values through their works, but they are also easily influenced and criticized by the outside world, resulting in low self-confidence and poor grasp of the market. needs and opportunities, so the earning power is weak.

No. 14, mediator INFP.

INFPs are also idealistic and have high demands on themselves. They are quiet observers and always analyze everything silently. However, they are not good at dealing with realistic details and corresponding to the workplace environment. As a result, their ability to make money is weak and they are easily betrayed. Strong people overwhelm.

The INFP personality type only accounts for 4% of the global population. They are a small number of idealists. Their representatives include William Shakespeare, JRR Tolkien, George Orwell, etc. They are all outstanding writers, but Their works have also gone through long-term polishing and modification before they became classics.

No. 13, Defender ISFJ.

ISFJ has the characteristics of being considerate, reliable, empathic and responsible. They are loyal and considerate to everything. However, they lack a heart to take risks. They are very conservative in looking at new things and are not very good at seizing opportunities. , thus letting many money-making opportunities slip away silently.

If ISFJs can put aside their worries and try more new things, maybe they can discover their potential and opportunities. For example, they can use their interpersonal relationships to carry out some social or charity projects, or they can use their Being careful and patient, and engaging in work that requires concentration and meticulousness, these may be ways for them to make money.

No. 12, Entertainer ESFP.

ESFPs are good at talking, party animals, and have strong personal charm. They are also empathetic and adaptable. They are always the center of attention in the crowd and bring many benefits in their careers. However, when it comes to long-term planning and handling details He is not very good at it, which affects his ability to make money.

ESFPs are natural Entertainers. They have excellent communication and social skills, as well as unique personalities and charm. They can always attract people’s attention and can use their strengths at work, but they also don’t like long-term plans and trivial details, which limits their ability to make money.

No. 11, Virtuoso ISTP.

ISTP attaches great importance to logical relationships and is a practical solver. His logical thinking and operational abilities are not difficult for him, but he has difficulty understanding other people’s emotions and does not easily open his heart to others. He is always limited to his own world, so his ability to make money is limited. affected.

Representative figures of ISTP include Steve Jobs, Einstein, Tom Cruise, etc. They all have outstanding achievements in their own fields, but they are also not very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, and are even a little withdrawn and indifferent, which makes them I encountered some difficulties and obstacles in the process of making money.

No. 10, candidate ENFP.

ENFP has both extroverted and introverted traits, unique aesthetics, and is very creative. They are also good at building interpersonal relationships. Their insight and intuition are very keen, but they are too hot for three minutes. They want to do that and then want that. He is often unpredictable to others, so the money he earns is spent quickly.

If ENFPs can be more focused and persistent, perhaps they can improve their earning power. For example, they can use their creativity and ideas to launch some new projects or activities, or they can use their interpersonal relationships and communication skills to engage in some Jobs that require cooperation and coordination are possible ways for them to make money.

No. 9, logician INTP.

INTP is a logician, always learning knowledge, and has strong logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These traits perform well in careers that require independent thinking and solving complex problems, but their messy temperament makes them not care about money. .

The INTP personality type only accounts for 3% of the global population. They are a small number of rationalists. Their representatives include Darwin, Hawking, Edison, etc. They all have made outstanding contributions in their own fields, but they are not Too concerned about money and material things, even a little poor and simple.

No. 8, Consul ESFJ.

ESFJs have a strong sense of justice, pay attention to details, don’t know how to hide emotions, and are good at handling interpersonal relationships. These traits enable them to perform well in jobs that require dealing with people or service-type jobs, such as public relations, marketing, etc., so their earning power is not bad. .

ESFJs are natural rulers. They have a strong sense of justice and responsibility, and they also pay great attention to details and quality. They can always express their emotions and ideas, and are also very good at communicating and cooperating with others. They are related to or serving people. You can give full play to your strengths in a job of this nature, so your earning power is good.

No. 7, Logistics Engineer ISTJ.

ISTJs have good memories, are efficient, and tend to work alone. They pay great attention to details and have strong organizational skills. These traits allow them to notice small details that most people ignore at work, making the entire plan more perfect, so they can If you leave a deep and good impression in your boss’s eyes, you will naturally be rewarded with salary increases and promotions.

Representative figures of ISTJ include Washington, Jefferson, Elizabeth II, etc. They all have important positions in politics and history, but they are also very conservative and traditional. They don’t like change and innovation very much, and they don’t care much about themselves. The feelings and emotions of others have caused them to encounter some challenges and confusion in the process of making money.

No. 6, the protagonist ENFJ.

ENFJ likes to socialize, respond quickly, and dare to express their opinions. They are usually leaders or coordinators in situations. They also have strong empathy and interpersonal skills. They are easily loved by subordinates and superiors and are very successful in life. This type of person has good earning power.

The personality of ENFJ makes them highly talented in leadership and management. They can influence and inspire others through their charm and persuasion. They can also balance the interests and needs of all parties and reach consensus and goals, but they are also very It is easy to ignore one’s own needs and feelings, and may also rely too much on the recognition and praise of others, so there are certain limitations in the ability to make money.

No. 5, Entrepreneur ESTP.

ESTPs are realists. They not only live in the present, but also know how to be flexible. They dare to take risks when they think of anything they want to do. Especially when it comes to making money, they are always the first to seize business opportunities and get them. There are many opportunities to make a fortune.

The ESTP personality type accounts for 10% of the global population. They are a small number of realists. Their representatives include Trump, Obama, George Clooney, etc. They all have successful experiences in their own fields, but They are also less abiding by rules and morals, and may also lead to some failures and losses due to impulsiveness and recklessness.

No. 4, debater ENTP.

ENTP is half extrovert and half introvert, always learning knowledge, good at seeing the possibilities of things, and willing to try new methods when encountering problems. These traits are conducive to success in the business environment, because they not only have innovative thinking , and can quickly adapt to changes in the environment.

If ENTPs can be more focused and persistent, perhaps they can achieve higher achievements. For example, they can use their knowledge and ideas to create some new products or services, or they can use their eloquence and logic to engage in something that requires persuasion. and debating jobs, which may be ways for them to make money.

No. 3, Architect INTJ.

INTJs have perfectionism, decisiveness, and the pursuit of efficiency. They also know their future path, and their strong organizational skills make them comfortable in the workplace environment. Every goal is accurately calculated, so they are in a leading position in terms of earning power.

INTJs are natural architects. They have high standards, firmness, and efficiency. They are also very clear about their own direction and plans. They also have strong execution and management capabilities. They can accurately predict and control their work, so they are Advantage in earning power.

No. 2, Executive ESTJ.

ESTJs are methodical in doing things, believe that the results are more important than the process, and pay more attention to efficiency. They perform well in management-related fields, and have strong decisiveness and execution. They always guarantee everything they do, and they are the best in the business environment. .

Representative figures of ESTJ include Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Angelina Jolie, etc. They all have outstanding achievements in their own fields, but they are also very strict and strong, and are not very tolerant of mistakes and mistakes. They fail and don’t care much about other people’s feelings and opinions, which makes them encounter some conflicts and setbacks in the process of making money.

No. 1, Commander ENTJ.

The first place is ENTJ. Their biggest characteristics are boldness in seeking change, courage to speak up, clear goals, and emphasis on efficiency. They also like to direct others to do things. They are natural leaders and have a strong sense of planning in everything they do. This makes them Can achieve great success in leadership positions.

The personality of ENTJ makes them very talented in making money. They can lead teams and organizations to achieve their own visions and goals through their own decisions and actions. They are also able to deal with various challenges and risks, but they are also easy to ignore. Your own emotions and health may also be overconfident and arrogant, so your ability to make money is also at risk.


This is the ranking of who is the most profitable and who is the least profitable among the 16 MBTI personalities. Do you think it is accurate? What’s your personality? What are your expectations and plans for your wealth? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your thoughts, and also share your experiences and insights with other viewers.

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