INTP Wang Xiaobo: How to find wisdom and fun in an unintelligible and boring world

Wang Xiaobo is a contemporary Chinese scholar and writer. His works have influenced generations of readers with his unique style and ideas. His life has experienced tremendous changes in Chinese society, from being an educated youth and worker during the Cultural Revolution to becoming a university teacher and freelance writer after the reform and opening up, and then to his untimely death due to a heart attack in 1997. His works involve novels, essays, scripts, literary reviews and other genres, showing his independent thinking and exploration of life and life. He is a writer full of free humanistic spirit and independent intellectual character. He admires and advocates science and rationality, and believes that people’s life should pursue the unknown, opposes the confinement of thoughts, and advocates that people’s thinking should be diversified to make life more interesting. Be interesting and love wisdom. So, how does Wang Xiaobo find wisdom and fun in a world that he calls “unintelligible and uninteresting”? We can find some clues and inspirations from his works.

##Draw wisdom from reading Wang Xiaobo is a person who loves reading since he was a child. I have a strong interest and desire for books. He once said: “My biggest wish when I was a child was to buy all the books and read them all when I grow up.” His reading range is very wide, from classical literature to modern literature, from Chinese to foreign languages, from He has dabbled in and researched everything from novels to philosophy, from science to history. His reading is not only to acquire knowledge, but also to cultivate his thinking and aesthetic abilities. He wrote in “My Spiritual Home”: “I feel that the purpose of reading is not to increase knowledge, but to improve cognitive ability. This ability includes two aspects: one is the understanding of things, and the other is the understanding of things. Imagination of things. Understanding is to reduce things to what we already know, and imagination is to turn things we know into things. These two abilities complement each other, and neither ability exists alone.” Wang Xiaobo’s reading also provided him with The writing provides a wealth of material and inspiration. His novels often quote or adapt some stories from classical literature, such as Li Jing and Hong Fu in “Hongfu Runs at Night”, Li Bai and Wushuang in “Looking for Wushuang”, and various legendary figures in “Secret Stories of the Tang Dynasty” wait. His novels are also influenced by some foreign literature, such as “Metamorphosis” and “The Decameron” in “The Golden Age”, “1984” and “Brave New World” in “The World to Come”, etc. His essays are also full of comments and appreciations of various books, such as “A Dream of Red Mansions” and “War and Peace” in “On the Art of Novel”, “Don Quixote” and “On the Claustrophilic Novel” “Robinson Crusoe” and so on. His reading is not only the appreciation of literature, but also the creation of literature. ##Find fun from writing Wang Xiaobo is a person who loves writing. He regards writing as a way of self-expression and self-realization. He wrote in “My Spiritual Home”: “My motivation for writing is very simple, just to express what is in my heart. I think it is a need, just like eating and sleeping. When I don’t write, I just You may feel depressed or even sick.” His writing is also an exploration and reflection on life. He wrote in “The Art of Novel”: “I write novels because I want to sort out my life experiences and make them There is a meaning. I think it is a need, just like breathing. If I don’t write novels, I will feel confused and even lose my direction.” Wang Xiaobo’s writing style is unique, his language is concise and lively, humorous, Be imaginative and creative. Strange plots and characters often appear in his novels, such as “Chlorella” and “Green-haired Water Monster” in “The Golden Age”, “Supercomputer” and “Artificial Intelligence” in “The World of the Future”, “Searching” “Wushuang” and “Lulu” in “Wushuang”. His novels also often challenge some traditional values ​​and moral concepts, such as “love triangle” and “sexual revolution” in “Love in the Revolutionary Period”, “homosexuality” and “police violence” in “East Palace and West Palace”, etc. His novels are not only to entertain readers, but also to inspire them. He wrote in “About Claustrophilic Novels”: “I write novels because I want to express my thoughts. I feel it is a responsibility, just like It’s the same as being a human being. If I don’t write novels, I will feel bored and even lose my fun.” ##Looking for wisdom and fun from life Wang Xiaobo is a person who loves life. He regards life as a process of learning and enjoyment. He wrote in “The Joy of Thinking”: “I feel that the purpose of life is not to make money, but to increase wisdom. This wisdom includes two aspects: one is the understanding of oneself, and the other is the understanding of the world. .Knowledge is to connect oneself with the world, and wisdom is to separate oneself from the world. These two kinds of knowledge are mutually reinforcing, and neither kind of knowledge exists alone.” Wang Xiaobo’s life has experienced many ups and downs and difficulties. He once devolved to He worked as a worker in the countryside, was criticized, and was imprisoned, but he was never discouraged, never disappointed, and never gave up. He wrote in “My Spiritual Home”: “I feel that the meaning of life is not for suffering, but for happiness. This kind of happiness includes two aspects: one is self-satisfaction, and the other is care for others. .Satisfaction is to meet one’s own needs, and caring is to convey one’s feelings to others. These two kinds of satisfaction are mutually reinforcing, and neither kind of satisfaction exists alone.” Wang Xiaobo’s life is also full of the pursuit of wisdom and fun. I like traveling, photography, music, movies, food, sports, games, science, philosophy, fantasy, and creation. He wrote in “The Joy of Thinking”: “I think the joy of life is not for enjoyment, but for creation. This creation includes two aspects: one is the expression of oneself, and the other is the change of the world. Expression is to speak out one’s thoughts, and change is to change the status quo of the world. These two creations stimulate each other, and neither creation exists alone.” Wang Xiaobo also has a sincere love in his life. He met Li Yinhe Fall in love, support each other, understand each other, respect each other, appreciate each other, influence each other, and grow with each other. They are a pair of intellectuals and a pair of lovers. Their love is a fusion of souls and a common life. Their love is also a source of wisdom and fun. They wrote in “Our Dream of Red Mansions”: “We feel that the purpose of love is not to get married, but to get along. This kind of getting along includes two aspects: First, Loyalty to oneself, and the second is trust in others. Loyalty is giving your heart to others, and trust is accepting the hearts of others. These two kinds of relationships are interdependent, and neither kind of relationship exists alone.”

##Conclusion Wang Xiaobo is a person who finds wisdom and fun in a world that is unintelligible and boring. His works and life provide us with a possible choice and way, so that in this complex world, we can maintain our independence and freedom, pursue our own ideals and happiness, enjoy our own thinking and creation, and express ourselves feelings and meaning. He is a man worthy of our learning and admiration. He is a true wise man and a joyful person. ###Free online psychological test to test your psychological maturity Test address:

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