Can zodiac signs really affect our lives? This article tells you the answer

History and Origin of Constellations

Constellation is a product of Western culture. It divides human birth dates into 12 areas according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic. Each area corresponds to a constellation. Each constellation has its unique personality, love, career, fortune, etc. feature. Each constellation represents a mythical character or story. For example, Taurus is the white bull that Zeus turned into, Scorpio is the scorpion sent by Hera to kill Orion, Gemini is the sons of Zeus, Castor and Polyducus, etc. wait. Constellations not only reflect people’s observations and imaginations of the sky, but also reflect people’s views and expectations of themselves and others. Many people like to understand themselves and others through horoscopes, and even use zodiac signs to guide their lives and decisions. But do horoscopes really have scientific basis? Can a zodiac sign really accurately describe a person? Can horoscopes really predict the future?

The concept of constellations can be traced back to the ancient Babylonian period, when people divided the sky into 12 regions and named different animals or mythical figures according to the main star groups in the regions. These groups of stars are called ‘sidereal constellations’ and they are fixed. What we call the ‘zodiac’ today are 12 regions divided according to the path of the sun along the ecliptic in a year. They do not completely coincide with the star constellations, but have a certain offset. This shift is due to the fact that there is an angle (about 23.5 degrees) between the Earth’s rotation axis and the ecliptic plane, which causes the Earth to produce precession during its revolution, that is, the direction in which the Earth’s rotation axis points will slowly change. This variation is approximately 50.3 arcseconds per year, approximately 1 degree every 72 years, and approximately one zodiac sign every 2160 years. Therefore, what we call Aries today has actually shifted to the position of Pisces, and Pisces has shifted to the position of Aquarius, and so on.

This means that the constellation divisions we use today are actually different from those used by ancient people, and they are still changing. So, can we still use this outdated method to describe and predict human character and destiny?

The science and accuracy of horoscopes

Some people think that horoscopes are accurate. This is because they are affected by two psychological phenomena, one is called the Barnum effect and the other is called the labeling effect. The Barnum Effect refers to people’s tendency to believe some vague, general descriptions that can apply to anyone, such as ‘You are a creative person’, ‘You sometimes feel lonely’, ‘You have high standards for yourself’ requirements’ and so on. These descriptions seem apt, but in fact there is nothing special about them. Most people can find their own shadow. The labeling effect means that people will be affected by labels given by themselves or others, thereby changing their behavior or attitude, such as ‘you are a diligent student’, ‘you are a generous friend’, ‘you are a playboy’ Lover’ and so on. These labels will make people pay more attention to the aspects of themselves that conform to the label, and ignore or deny the aspects of themselves that do not conform to the label.

Horoscopes take advantage of these two effects, labeling everyone and attracting people with some vague, generic, and positive descriptions. For example, Taurus is diligent and thrifty, Scorpio is grudge-minded, Gemini is a playboy, etc. In fact, these characteristics do not only belong to a certain constellation, but are something that most people have or want to have. Who doesn’t want to save money? Who doesn’t want to take revenge on someone who bullied them? Who doesn’t want more love? Of course, these characteristics are not all good, but the zodiac signs will express them in a positive, optimistic, and encouraging tone, making people feel that they are special, excellent, and lucky.

Moreover, zodiac signs change with time and environment. For example, if you see the fortune of Taurus today and say: ‘Today you will encounter an unexpected fortune,’ you will pay more attention to the opportunities that may appear around you, such as finding a banknote on the ground, receiving a red envelope, winning a prize, etc. A draw and so on. These things may actually happen to people of other zodiac signs, but because you read the horoscope, you will feel that this is the good luck given to you by the zodiac sign, not coincidence or luck. On the other hand, if you see the Taurus fortune saying: ‘Today you have to be careful about financial crises,’ you will be more worried about your money, such as fear of being stolen, being cheated, being fined, etc. These things may actually happen to people of other zodiac signs, but because you read the horoscope, you will feel that this is a warning given by the zodiac sign, not a normal risk.

The value and meaning of zodiac signs

Since there is no scientificity or accuracy in astrology, what value and significance does it have? For people who don’t believe in horoscopes, horoscopes can be useless or even misleading. But for those who believe in horoscopes, horoscopes can be useful, even helpful. Because constellations can give people a kind of psychological support, a kind of self-identity, and a sense of belonging. When people encounter difficulties or setbacks, zodiac signs can give them some comfort or encouragement, such as ‘As long as you work hard, you can overcome this difficulty’, ‘You have many advantages, don’t feel inferior’, ‘You are not alone. There are many people with the same zodiac sign as you who support you” and so on. Although these words may sound cliché, they may be a kind of strength for some people who lack self-confidence or are lonely.

Moreover, horoscopes can also help people understand themselves and others better. Although the zodiac sign cannot completely represent a person’s character and destiny, it can serve as a reference or an entry point, allowing people to pay more attention to the characteristics and differences between themselves and others. For example, if you are a Gemini, you will pay more attention to your communication skills and ability to change. If you meet a Virgo, you will pay more attention to his or her details and perfectionism. Of course, these characteristics are not absolute or fixed, but they can make it easier for you to connect and communicate with others.

How to view zodiac signs correctly

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So, how should we view zodiac signs? We should not blindly believe or laugh at astrology, but should accept it with an open and tolerant mind. If you don’t believe in astrology, that’s okay, you can understand and appreciate it as a culture or entertainment. If you believe in astrology, that’s okay, you can refer to it and use it as a guide or a support. No matter what, we should respect everyone’s choices and beliefs, and maintain our own rationality and judgment.

If you have any opinions or experiences about zodiac signs, please leave a message in the comment area to share.

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