Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Do you have two sides to your personality? Uncover the secrets of ESFP shadow function personality!

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Do you have two sides to your personality? Uncover the secrets of ESFP shadow function personality!

Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality. For example, you are usually very outgoing and lively, but sometimes you become introverted and silent, or you usually Very emotional and intuitive, but sometimes you become rational and detailed? These may be your shadow function personality at work. What is shadow functional personality? How did it form? What impact does it have on your personality and behavior? How should you recognize and utilize it? This article will use ESFP as an example to discuss these issues, hoping to give you some inspiration and help. PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the relevant concepts, you can , or search for relevant information by yourself. ##What is shadow functional personality? Shadow functional personality refers to the part of a person’s personality that is opposite to his main functional personality. It is usually hidden in the subconscious and only emerges under specific circumstances, such as pressure, conflict, crisis, etc. Under circumstances, either in an environment that does not match one’s functional personality, or in interactions with people who conflict with one’s functional personality. The formation principle of shadow functional personality can be understood from the two perspectives of Jung’s eight dimensions and MBTI. Jung’s eight dimensions refer to the eight psychological functions proposed by the psychologist Jung, namely: feeling, intuition, thinking, emotion, and their extroversion and introversion. MBTI refers to the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. It divides people’s personality into 16 types based on Jung’s eight-dimensional theory. Each type consists of four letters, which represent a person’s personality. Tendencies in four dimensions, these four dimensions are: extroversion (E) or introversion (I), feeling (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or emotion (F), judgment (J) or perception ( P). According to Jung’s eight-dimensional theory, a person’s psychological function is composed of four functions, one of which is the dominant function, which is a person’s most natural and best function, and the other is the auxiliary function, which is a person’s secondary function. , there is also the tertiary function, which is a person’s weaker function, and the last one is the inferior function, which is the function that a person is least good at. The order and direction of these four functions determine a person’s personality type. For example, the order and direction of the four functions of ESFP are: extroverted sensing (Se), introverted feeling (Fi), extroverted thinking (Te), and introverted intuition (Ni). According to the theory of MBTI, a person’s shadow functional personality is obtained by replacing the first and fourth letters of his main functional personality with the opposite letters. For example, the shadow functional personality of ESFP is ISFJ. This is because a person’s shadow functional personality is reversed in the order and direction of the four functions of his main functional personality. For example, the order and direction of the four functions of the ESFP’s shadow functional personality are: Introverted Sensing (Si), extroverted feeling (Fe), introverted thinking (Ti), and extroverted intuition (Ne). ##What is the shadow function personality of ESFP? ESFP is a typical performer personality. They like to seek excitement and fun in the external world. They are good at using their five senses to feel and enjoy the current life. They are also good at using their emotions to express and communicate. They are usually cheerful, enthusiastic, friendly, and charming people. They like to interact with people and like to help and support others. They are tolerant and accepting of themselves and others. They don’t care much about rules and regulations. Plan, but follow your heart and let nature take its course. The shadow function personality of ESFP is ISFJ, which is a typical protector-type personality. They like to find safety and stability in the internal world. They are good at using their own memory to collect and organize past experiences and information. They are also good at Use their own logic to analyze and judge their responsibilities and obligations. They are usually cautious, serious, loyal, and reliable people. They like to be alone, and they also like to serve and take care of others. They are strict and demanding about themselves and others. They care a lot about rules and plans, but are meticulous and step-by-step. The characteristics and advantages of ESFP’s shadow function personality can be seen from the correspondence between their yang function and shadow function, for example: - Extroverted Sensing (Se) corresponds to Introverted Sensing (Si): ESFP’s Extroverted Sensing makes them full of the external world. Curious and exploratory, they like to try new and exciting things, they are sensitive to details and changes, and they can adapt to the environment flexibly and quickly. ESFP’s introverted feeling makes them full of memories and thoughts about the internal world. They like to revisit familiar and comfortable things. They respect history and tradition, and they can maintain order stably and lastingly. - Introverted Feeling (Fi) corresponds to Extroverted Feeling (Fe): ESFP’s Introverted Feeling makes them very clear about their own values ​​and feelings. They like to make choices and judgments according to their own preferences and standards. They value themselves and others. Individuality and differences are tolerated, and they are able to express themselves sincerely and candidly. ESFP’s extroverted feeling makes them very sensitive to the needs and emotions of others. They like to make actions and adjustments according to the expectations and norms of others. They attach great importance to the relationship and harmony between themselves and others, and they can communicate politely and cooperatively. people communicate. - Extroverted thinking (Te) corresponds to introverted thinking (Ti): ESFP’s extroverted thinking allows them to understand the rules and goals of the external world very well. They like to solve problems and complete tasks according to objective and effective methods. They are very concerned about themselves and others. Their abilities and achievements are well recognized, and they can implement their plans resolutely and decisively. ESFP’s introverted thinking makes them very interested in the principles and logic of the internal world. They like to explore problems and create possibilities in a subjective and innovative way. They are curious about their own and other people’s ideas and theories, and they can be flexible and open-minded. adjust your perspective accordingly. - Introverted intuition (Ni) corresponds to extroverted intuition (Ne): ESFP’s introverted intuition makes them very clear about their vision and goals. They like to follow their own intuition and beliefs to guide their actions and choices. They have a strong sense of themselves and others. They are confident in their potential and future, and they can focus and realize their ideals in depth. ESFP’s extraverted intuition makes them very open to other people’s ideas and opportunities. They like to improve their actions and choices according to others’ suggestions and feedback. They are very interested in changes and challenges in themselves and others. They can be diverse and broad. Explore your own possibilities. From the above analysis, we can see that although the shadow functional personality of ESFP is opposite to its yang functional personality, it also has its own characteristics and advantages. It can supplement and balance the ESFP personality to a certain extent, making it more comprehensive and mature. . So, under what circumstances will the shadow function personality of ESFP emerge? What impact does it have on ESFPs? ##The emergence of ESFP shadow function personality ESFP’s shadow function personality usually emerges in the following situations: - When ESFP encounters negative emotions or events such as stress, conflict, crisis, etc., they may tend to use themselves The shadow function is used to cope and escape. For example, they may become introverted and silent, unwilling to communicate with others, or they may become rational and detailed, unwilling to express their feelings. - When ESFPs are in an environment that does not match their functional personality, they may tend to use their shadow functions to adapt and blend in. For example, they may become cautious and conscientious, unwilling to take risks and try, or They may become loyal and reliable, unwilling to disobey and rebel. - When ESFPs interact with people who conflict with their functional personality, they may tend to use their shadow functions to communicate and collaborate. For example, they may become polite and cooperative, unwilling to conflict and argue, or They may become open-minded and diverse, unwilling to be stubborn and single-minded. The emergence of ESFP’s shadow functional personality has the following effects on ESFP: - Favorable influence: ESFP’s shadow functional personality can help ESFP better cope with and solve problems in some special situations. For example, they can use They can use their introverted feeling to review and summarize their experiences, or they can use their extroverted intuition to discover and seize opportunities. The shadow function personality of ESFP can also help ESFP adapt and integrate better in some special environments. For example, they can use their extroverted emotions to care for and meet the needs of others, or they can use their introverted thinking. , to analyze and judge their own responsibilities. ESFP’s shadow function personality can also help ESFP communicate and collaborate better in some special interpersonal relationships. For example, they can use their introverted intuition to understand and respect other people’s perspectives, or they can use their extroversion Thinking to implement and complete other people’s plans. - Adverse effects: ESFP’s shadow function personality, if used excessively or inappropriately, may also have some negative effects on ESFPs. For example, they may lose their characteristics and advantages and become mediocre and boring, or they may You may go against your own values ​​and feelings and become hypocritical and unhappy. ESFP’s shadow functional personality, if not controlled or adjusted, may also have some conflicts and contradictions with ESFP’s yang functional personality. For example, they may feel confused and confused, not knowing what they want, or they may You may feel anxious and depressed, not knowing what you can do. ##How to take advantage of the shadow functional personality? So, how should ESFP understand and utilize their shadow function personality? The following are some methods and techniques for ESFP reference: - Understand your own shadow functional personality: ESFP can use some tests or consultations to understand the type and characteristics of your shadow functional personality, as well as the differences and differences from your own yang functional personality. Contact, this can help ESFP understand their own personality, as well as their strengths and weaknesses more clearly, and can also help ESFP more easily discover the emergence and influence of their shadow functional personality. - Accept your own shadow function personality: ESFP should not deny or suppress your shadow function personality, but should accept and respect it, because it is a part of your own personality and an opportunity for your own growth. ESFP can do this through some reflection or sharing , to express and release their own shadow function personality, which can help ESFPs use it more naturally and comfortably, and can also help ESFPs develop their own personalities more healthily and balancedly. - Observe your own shadow function personality: ESFP can observe and analyze the emergence and application of your own shadow function personality through some records or reviews, as well as the impact and effect on yourself. This can help ESFP to be more accurate and effective. Controlling it properly can also help ESFPs adjust it more reasonably and appropriately so that it is in harmony with, rather than in conflict with, their yang functional personality. - Utilize their own shadow function personality: ESFP can use and develop the advantages and potential of their shadow function personality through some learning or practice. For example, they can use their extroverted intuition to expand and innovate their interests and hobbies. Or they can use their introverted thinking to deepen and refine their knowledge and skills. ESFPs can utilize and develop the abilities and levels of their shadow functional personality through some challenges or attempts. For example, they can use their introverted feeling to plan and execute their goals and plans, or they can use their extroverted feeling. , to build and maintain your relationships and networks. ##Conclusion This article introduces the concept and formation principle of shadow functional personality, as well as the types and characteristics of ESFP’s shadow functional personality, analyzes the emergence and influence of ESFP’s shadow functional personality, and provides ESFP with ways to understand and utilize their own shadow functional personality. Methods and Techniques. Shadow function personality is an important part of a person’s personality and an important opportunity for a person’s growth. ESFPs should face up to and accept their own shadow function personality, observe and adjust their own shadow function personality, and use and develop their shadow function personality. Make it complementary and balanced with your own yang functional personality, so as to achieve the perfection and improvement of your own character and life. > 📖 Read ###MBTI Type 16 Free Online Test If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to To retest whether your personality type has changed, PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI Type 16 Professional Personality Test, which we hope will be helpful to you. MBTI free test address:

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/zP5RQlGe/

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