Wealth/Investment: psychological test

Wealth/Investment: psychological test

Will you spend money?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 Minutes
Nowadays, many people do not put their money in banks, but invest at the appropriate time. Some people speculate in stocks and some buy funds. It should be said that this is the way of financial management for modern people. Of course, you don’t know how to manage money, but it’s not bad that you are someone who can spend money. Why not take a little test to see if you are a person who can spend ...

Investor risk type assessment

Wealth/Investment 3 1 Minutes 1
Investors are requested to read the questionnaire carefully, understand the scoring rules, and confirm that the filled-in content is true. This test checks and prompts whether the investor's investment behavior matches the investor's risk tolerance level. The results of this test do not constitute investment advice to investors, or have a substantial impact on investors' investment decisions. In...

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