Psychological test: What is the relationship between marriage and sex in your mind?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes 1

An expert survey said: 70% of people get divorced because of disharmony in their sexual lives. This is true. Regarding the adjustment of divorce, is it not only the adjustment of the relationship between husband and wife, but also the adjustment of sexual life?

For marriage - among legal and reasonable relationships, the biggest difference between marriage and other relationships, and the irreplaceable uniqueness, is the sexual relationship. However, sex alone is just an animal pursuit of pleasure. Indulging in the ups and downs of climax after climax is stupid, and it cannot last long because of its thinness and vulnerability. Just love, understanding and tolerance, support and sharing, it is more like a pure and pure friendship. That’s not love, just kindness.

Research shows that a sexual scene flashes through the subconscious of adult men every 7 seconds. As far as the nature of marriage is concerned, only the existence of sexual intercourse is healthy. Why do you only want to be with the person you love the most? Because sex is actually a great courage. It will reveal all our hidden secrets, it is the greatest humility and vulnerability, but also the ultimate happiness and touching.

From the perspective of a long-term relationship like marriage, it is an ongoing and profound communication. Dare to confess your sexual feelings and expectations, which tests your trust in the other person. And striving to satisfy each other is true connection and respect. In the long life and different encounters, we are still willing to explore each other with our partners. This is the greatest recognition we give to each other’s charm. The explosion and dizziness brought by sex are our weapons to fight against all the disappointments, pains and anxieties in the world, and they are also the secret of lasting marriage.

The essence of marriage is a mutual game between two families of origin. It requires consistency in the three views of both parties and a matching of values between the two families of origin. In addition to the three views, there is another very important thing, and that is sex.

Sex is physical life and follows the pleasure principle.

Love is spiritual life and follows ideal principles.

Marriage is a social life and follows the principle of reality.

Home - is not a place of reason, home is a place of love. In reality, what can be explained clearly are facts, and what cannot be explained clearly is life. If you have to explain everything clearly in your family, you will most likely not want to do it.

The people who put the most pressure on yourself are the people and environment closest to you - couples, friends, neighbors, colleagues in the workplace, and the media. Now is your most important time, and the people you are with now are your most important people. The people who have the greatest influence on us: our parents in the first half of our lives, and our spouses in the second half of our lives.

What makes love last is not a man’s promise, but a woman’s confidence. Men like pretty faces, and women like sweet words. So women wear makeup and men lie.

For humans, sex is more than just sex. Sex is a language, a bridge, a place from loneliness to intimacy, and a crucible for building mutual belonging. There is an old saying in China that when a couple fights at the head of the bed, they make peace at the end of the bed. Why in bed? Why do they make up after fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed? If you can understand the mystery of this sentence, you will know the importance of sex in the life of a couple. Sex is a vital factor in marriage, but it is also the aspect that is most easily ignored in a couple’s life.

Psychological explanation of intimacy: Sex is the first definition of whether you have an intimate relationship with each other.

In your mind, what is the connection between marriage and sex? Who is in a more important position?

Taking this marriage test will give you a clear answer.

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