Psychological test: What is the impression of your friends around you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 6

Understanding how others perceive you is useful because it can help people better understand their own image and status in the minds of others. By hearing feedback from friends and the way they see themselves, people gain a fuller sense of themselves and the opportunity to improve their self-image. Friends’ impressions of a person may include many aspects, such as personality traits, behavior, professional abilities, intimate relationships, etc. Their views and evaluations of a person may have a great impact on that person’s future, so it is recommended that people should take their image and behavior in their circle of friends seriously in order to establish better interpersonal relationships and expand network resources. If a person is curious about the impressions of friends around him, he can choose to ask his friends directly, or he can understand his image in their minds by observing their friends’ reactions and responses. After knowing what others think, people can take the feedback seriously and improve it to better develop their personal and professional lives. Others’ impressions of oneself refer to other people’s views, evaluations and impressions of oneself. These impressions can be based on external performance, such as clothing, words and deeds, etc., or they can be based on internal qualities, such as personality, attitude, values, etc. Others’ impression of oneself is a relatively subjective concept, because everyone’s views and evaluations may have biases and subjective factors. Others’ impressions of you have an important impact on interpersonal communication and career development. A positive, friendly, and attractive image can make it easier for people to establish relationships and gain the trust and respect of others; while a negative, complaining, and distrustful image may cause people to distance themselves from themselves and miss opportunities. Therefore, understanding your own impression in the eyes of others not only helps you discover your strengths and weaknesses, but also helps you get along better with others and succeed in the workplace. You can learn about your impressions by asking friends, family, colleagues, etc. directly, or you can infer how you appear to others by observing their reactions to you. What is the impression of your friends around you? Let’s try this psychological test.

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