Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test | 60 Question Version

Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test | 60 Question Version

Workplace/career 16 4 Minutes 55

The Holland Vocational Interest Assessment Scale can allow subjects to have a more scientific and comprehensive understanding of their own personal traits, thereby helping subjects combine personal traits with the future work world and discover and determine their own career interests and abilities. , so as to make better decisions about job hunting and career selection.

This test is based on the talent assessment theory of Holland, a famous American vocational education expert, and compiled based on the actual situation of Chinese students and workers.

The Holland Career Interest Test was compiled by Holland, a well-known American career guidance expert. It is mainly used to determine the career interest tendencies of the test takers, and then to guide the test takers to choose the professional development direction and career development direction that suits their own career interests. The six basic career types proposed by Holland are: Practical R, Research I, Artistic A, Social S, Enterprise E, and Conventional C.

The Holland Vocational Interest Assessment was compiled by Holland, a well-known American vocational education expert, after long-term practical research. The assessment has high accuracy and is widely used in guiding studies, job hunting, and job transitions.

Holland believes that interest is a huge driving force for people’s activities. Any occupation that people are interested in can increase their enthusiasm, encourage them to engage in that occupation actively and happily, and help them achieve success in that occupation. Holland believes that people’s professional interests can be divided into six types: realistic, research, artistic, social, entrepreneurial and conventional.

The characteristics of these six personality types are:

  1. Realistic type (R): Its basic tendency is to like to engage in regular, clear, orderly and systematic activities with objects, machines, animals, work, etc. as objects. Therefore, these people prefer skilled and technical occupations that focus on machinery and objects. In order to be competent, they need to have abilities related to mechanical, electrical technology, etc. Their personalities tend to be adaptable, concrete, and earthy, and their social skills are relatively lacking.
  2. Research type (I): Its basic tendency is to be analytical, intelligent, inquiring and introspective, and likes to conduct abstract and creative research on physical, biological and cultural phenomena based on observation. Activity. Therefore, this type of people prefer intellectual, abstract, analytical, independent, and research-based professional activities, such as scientists, doctors, engineers, etc.
  3. Artistic type (A): Its basic tendency is to be imaginative, impulsive, intuitive, disorderly, emotional, idealistic, creative, and not practical. They like an artistic professional environment and are also good at language and fine arts. He has artistic abilities in music, performing arts, etc., and is good at creating artistic works using form and language, but is incompetent for transactional work. Occupations such as literary creation, music, art, and performing arts are particularly suitable for them.
  4. Social type (S): Its basic tendency is to be cooperative, friendly, helpful, responsible, tactful, sociable, considerate, etc. They like social interaction, care about social issues, and have interpersonal skills such as educational ability and goodwill to get along with others. Typical occupations suitable for this type of people include teachers, civil servants, counselors, social workers, etc., who focus on contact with people. Center for social service work.
  5. Entrepreneurial type (E): Its basic tendency is to be adventurous, energetic, sociable, and confident. They are strongly focused on the pursuit of goals and like to engage in activities that manipulate and drive others for gain. Due to their excellent leadership and ability to persuade and contact people, people of this type are particularly suitable for careers in leadership or business management.
  6. Conventional type (C): Its basic tendency is to be obedient, cautious, conservative, practical, steady, efficient, and good at self-control. They like to engage in systematic and organized activities such as recording, organizing archives, operating office machinery, and processing data. They have clerical, arithmetic and other abilities. Typical occupations suitable for them include clerks, accountants, bank clerks, etc.

People usually tend to choose a career environment that matches their own interest type. For example, people with realistic interests want to work in a realistic career environment so that they can best develop their personal potential. However, in specific career choices, individuals do not necessarily have to choose a career environment that completely corresponds to their own interests. This is mainly because the individual itself is usually a complex of multiple interest types, and it is rare for a single type to be prominent. Therefore, when evaluating an individual Interest types are often combined with the top three scoring types among the six major types. When combining, the letters are arranged in order according to the score of each type to form the interest group type, such as EIS, AIS, etc.

Holland’s Vocational Interest Type Test has a relatively large number of questions, and its measurement content includes professional interest types and professional aptitudes. This psychological test provides a 60-question simplified version that only measures career interests, also called the Holland Career Aptitude Test. The simplified version does not affect the accuracy of the results of career interests and tendencies, but it cannot obtain self-reported career ability evaluation reports.

There are no good or bad answers, right or wrong. You don’t have to think carefully. You can answer ‘yes’ or ’no’ to each question based on your first impression based on your own situation.

This assessment is suitable for high school graduates, current college and technical secondary school students, recent college and technical secondary school graduates, and people who are already working but are eager to change careers and need to discover and determine their career interests and abilities.

Please answer according to your first impression of each question. There is no need to think carefully. There are no good or bad answers, right or wrong. The test questions are mainly intended to determine your career interests, not to let you choose a job. Just because you like a certain activity does not mean that you must engage in that activity.

When answering the question, you don’t need to consider whether you have done this kind of activity in the past or whether you are good at it. Just make a direct judgment based on your interests. The occupation type with the highest score means the occupation that is most suitable for you.

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