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Is your approach to life decisive?

Are you a decisive and capable person? When faced with important problems, can you quickly draw conclusions and come up with solutions decisively? Do you have the temperament and demeanor of a leader? Answer the 12 test questions with 'yes' or 'no'. Please complete your answer within 8 minutes.

Are you a good communicator?

Interpersonal/Social 1 2 minute 2
Communicative skills are crucial to one's career development. Research conducted by American psychologists at Bell Labs shows the importance of communication skills. The members of the laboratory are all highly intelligent scientists and engineers. However, some are still shining stars, while others have lost their luster. Why is there such a difference? It turns out that celebrities have stron...

What is your “Achilles’ heel” in life?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
Life will always make you worried because of small changes here and there. What do you care about more in your life? Are you worried about poor performance at work or are you just thinking about how much money you still have to earn? Let’s take a test and see what is your “Achilles’ heel” in life?

Are you an optimistic person?

Optimism is a positive attitude towards life, which makes people more open-minded in the face of setbacks; optimism is a beautiful landscape of life, which makes people more courageous and responsible in the face of difficulties. With an optimistic attitude, you will have an open mind and a detached temperament. Even if you have a simple meal, you will be happy with it. Even if you are in darkness...

Are you a dominance freak?

Character/Personality 4 4 minute 1
Control is what most of us crave, but some people crave it more than others. And many people will do whatever it takes to get it. For these people, having more control over their lives and those around them can reduce tension. In fact, they will find that there are so few things they can control and dominate, and pursuing too much control is often counterproductive. Are you such a person? You ...

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