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Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Character/Personality 4 4 minute 2
In 1913, Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung first proposed the introversion type of personality. Jung believed that people's psychology can be divided into two tendencies when it comes to connecting with the world around them, called 'sets.' One kind of orientation points to the internal world of an individual, which is called introversion; the other kind of orientation points to the external envir...

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Character/Personality 2 1 minute 3
What is your personality like? No matter what your personality is, you are unique in this world, and the different fireworks belong to you. Whether introverted or extroverted, it is always a kind of emotional sustenance. It is precisely because of the difference in personality that this colorful world is created. You can tell whether you are an introvert or an extrovert with one test.

Test which category your personality belongs to?

Character/Personality 4 3 minute 10
In real life, we can meet people with different personalities. Some people are enthusiastic and cheerful, some are cold and demanding, some are mature and steady, some are irritable and impulsive, some are subjective and arbitrary, and some are objective and rational... Personality is a psychological characteristic that allows each person to show his or her unique style in psychological activiti...

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