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psychological test
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder self-test

Mental/Health 2 1 minute 2
'Obsessive-compulsive disorder' has frequently appeared in front of us in recent years, so how can we know whether we have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Just pass this simple little test. Please rate based on your feelings and situations within the last week. It is best to answer intuitively.

phobia test

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
Phobia, also known as phobic neurosis, is a neurosis with fear symptoms as its main clinical manifestation. Horror objects have special environments, people or specific things, and whenever you come into contact with these horror objects, you will have intense fear and nervous inner experiences. The patient is conscious and knows that it is unreasonable, but once encountering similar situations,...

Picture Psychological Test: Stress Test

Mental/Health 5 1 minute
Stress refers to the emotional reaction of physical and mental tension and uneasiness that people feel when facing challenges or demands. Stress can come from a variety of different factors, such as work, school, relationships, health, finances, etc. Moderate stress can stimulate people's enthusiasm and creativity, but excessive stress can have adverse effects on the body and psychology. In psych...

Will you spend money?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 minute
Nowadays, many people do not put their money in banks, but invest at the appropriate time. Some people speculate in stocks and some buy funds. It should be said that this is the way of financial management for modern people. Of course, you don’t know how to manage money, but it’s not bad that you are someone who can spend money. Why not take a little test to see if you are a person who can spend ...

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