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psychological test
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Fun test: Which classic brand-name bag do you like?

Modern psychologists even believe that bags are not only an extension of women’s personal style, but also a reflection of their confidence and sense of control. Designer bags are more than just a brand logo, they represent an attitude towards life and a display of personality. Every classic design has its own unique story and soul. So, if you were a bag, which brand would you be the representati...

Car seat personality test

A personality test that went viral on Facebook. It is said to be quite accurate! Please be sure to look carefully at the details in this picture before making your choice. Note that the first test result of this test is the most effective, so please think carefully before making your choice.

Glass heart degree test

Mental/Health 30 3 minute 5
Glass heart degree test
Glassy personality is an emotionally fragile and vulnerable psychological state, often accompanied by mood swings and irritable tendencies. This personality type is often unable to control his or her emotional reactions when faced with trivial matters or the words and deeds of others, manifesting as impulsive and irrational behavior, but this does not mean that this is the original intention. In ...

EQ emotional intelligence online test

Interpersonal/Social 15 4 minute 3
EQ emotional intelligence online test
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a key concept when it comes to people's intellectual and emotional abilities. Unlike intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence measures an individual's ability to recognize and express their own emotions and understand the emotions of others. Daniel Goleman, a famous American psychologist and PhD in psychology from Harvard, designed this EQ test, which consi...

Self-motivated ability test

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 2
Self-love is a common emotional manifestation, but how to deal with one's own self-love requires certain skills and adaptability. Here are some test questions to help you understand your own handling style and ability when faced with self-indulgence.

Love Psychology Test: Discover Your Love Type

Love/Relationship 2 1 minute 2
Canadian social psychologist John Lee divided love into six types. Different love types have different ways of falling in love and have their own psychological and behavioral characteristics. In real love life, it is rare to see love that completely belongs to a certain type of love. In most cases, it is a mixture of various love types. The difference is a matter of which is more and which is les...

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