Popular tags: Opinion

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What are your shortcomings in testing work?

Each of us has to do things we don’t like in order to do what we like. The workplace is a typical example. Having to work in order to make money is a reality that everyone must face, and being If you are forced to work, you are destined not to put too much enthusiasm into your work, except of course for work that suits your taste. Click the start button below to test now. What are the flaws in yo...

Test whether you are an independent person?

Opinion refers to a clear view, perspective or opinion formed by an individual on a certain issue or thing. Being assertive means being able to express your own point of view and stand your ground in a given situation. Opinion can be based on personal experience, knowledge, values and personal understanding. It reflects a person's view and attitude towards the world. Opinionated people are usually...

Do you have a tenacious and persistent heart?

Mental/Health 1 2 minute
'Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.' To make achievements in any work, you need unremitting efforts. If you work day and night, stop at a superficial level, and give up halfway, you will ultimately achieve nothing. Perseverance and perseverance are the basis for success. Carnegie said: 'The failure of many young people can be attributed to a lack of persevera...

Will you be a 'fool'?

Everyone has their own views on things, but everyone's grasp of their own position is different. Are you sticking to your position and not changing it? Or is it a 'grass on the wall'? Complete the test and it will be clear.

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