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How likely is it that you will be rich and prosperous in the future?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 minute 3
If a person is not particularly satisfied with the current situation, he will start to fantasize about the future. Because no one knows what the future will be like. But what is certain is that if you want to have a bright future, you have to work hard now. Don't think about lying down, as nothing will change. Do you want to know if you have a chance to be rich and noble in the future? Come and te...

Are you frigid?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 4
Frigidity refers to the lack of sexual desire. In layman's terms, it means no interest in sexual life. It is also said to be loss of sexual desire. Among well-educated and healthy couples surveyed, 16% of men and 35% of women had frigidity. The symptoms of frigidity are reflected in two aspects: physical symptoms and psychological symptoms. Frigidity and anorgasmia are two different concepts. Th...

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