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Nanjing City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Nanjing?

Nanjing, the ancient capital of six dynasties, is more than just a city. It is the precipitation of history, the blend of cultures, and the carrier of memory. Every street and every building seems to be telling its own story. From the light boats on the banks of the Qinhuai River to the simple bricks and tiles of the Confucius Temple, from the solemnity of the Presidential Palace to the sparkling ...

Test your physique. Are you prone to being tricked?

The routine is played deeply, who takes whom seriously. In this age full of routines, are you still that simple novice? Can you tell whether the other party is trying to trick you? Today I will share with you an interesting test to test whether you are prone to being tricked? There is no right or wrong in test results, they just reflect the current situation truthfully. Please answer based on you...

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