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Test your ability to beat boys instantly?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute 2
There are some boys in the love scene who specialize in killing girls instantly. They have endless charm and it is difficult not to attract them. Similarly, girls also have many opportunities to kill boys instantly. For example, the beautiful ones make countless men fall under their pomegranate skirts as soon as they appear on the stage. For example, handsome and chic are worth more than boys. For...

Test your appearance in the eyes of the opposite sex

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
In this age of looking good, appearance is so important. Sometimes, appearance can almost determine a person's marriage, career, but sometimes appearance may not be a decisive factor in these important things. Although appearance is not everything, you must still want to know what kind of appearance you have in the opposite sex.

Horoscope test: Which fairy tale heroine are you?

Every girl may have been a princess in her previous life and lived an enviable life. It's a pity that I was born in the wrong child in this life, but it doesn't matter, mortals also have ordinary happiness. I will not marry a foreign country with tears in my eyes like in ancient times, nor will I marry someone I don’t like. When completing this test, first choose your zodiac sign and test which fa...

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