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Test: What kind of people do you easily make enemies with in the workplace?

The workplace is like a battlefield. Only by guessing other people's thoughts and using them to your advantage can you gain a better foothold in the workplace. But not everyone is trustworthy and worthy of dealing with. What kind of people do you easily make enemies with in the workplace, and whom do you need to be careful in handling relationships with? Career test tells you the answer! Click the...

Test your love troubles

Love/Relationship 2 2 minute 4
No one's love is perfect, and everyone will encounter setbacks and troubles on the road to love. The two people have different opinions, the two people quarreled, or a third party will appear, etc. I originally thought that love was synonymous with happiness, but I didn't expect that trouble would often appear. Do you know what troubles you often encounter in love? Take a little test and maybe you...

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