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Psychological Test: Test Your Sex Type

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 2
Sex is an important factor in the harmonious relationship between husband and wife. For two people to get along happily, they must not only respect each other as guests in the hall, but also be as gluey as glue under the quilt. Regarding sex, men and women have always had different views. Whether they can meet the requirements of two people affects whether the relationship between husband and wife...

Test how naive you are mentally?

Mental/Health 5 1 minute
There is a gap between the mental age of many people and their actual age. Some people are as wise as they are foolish and can add something to their lives at any time; some people look mature but are still children mentally. Are you a childish person? Come and take this childishness index test to see how high your childishness index is!

What sexual type are you?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
'Sex' has always been a mysterious and sensitive topic, and 'sex' is also essential in the life of a couple. What sexual type do you belong to in life? You can know it from having 'spring dreams'. 'Aphrodisiac' is a very peculiar psychological and physiological phenomenon. Freud has repeatedly explained it in his book 'The Interpretation of Dreams', and often analyzes a seemingly ordinary dream...

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