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You always greet everyone with a smile

Who says income and output are directly proportional? At least emotionally, there is never such a formula. You may be dismissive of people who treat you sincerely. On the contrary, some people who have nothing to do with you emotionally may make you devote more thoughts to them due to various subjective wishes or objective and inevitable reasons. So, take a test, who do you always smile at?

Who are you from Crayon Shin-chan?

The cartoon 'Crayon Shin-chan' was once very popular. No matter what kind of controversy caused by Shin-chan's vulgarity, it always brought us some laughter. Do you feel that some of your personalities are similar to Xiaoxin's? Do you want to know what kind of relationship you have with Crayon Shin-chan in the anime? Then take this test!

Test your self-expression

Mental/Health 2 1 minute
As we all know, everyone should know that everyone has their own strengths and advantages, but some people are good at expressing themselves, some people are not good at expressing themselves, some people like to highlight themselves, and some people like to hide themselves, so what are the self-expressions? Woolen cloth? At work, you must always be strict with yourself, complete every task assig...

Do you have mysterious personality traits?

Character/Personality 3 1 minute 2
We often meet such people, they always give you an inscrutable feeling, and you can't guess their inner thoughts at all. In the eyes of others, will you be like this and be considered to have a mysterious personality? Use your first impression to complete this simple test.

Pry into his psychology through the way he laughs

There are many ways to express emotions, and laughter is the most pleasurable one. It is not a bad idea to get together with three or five friends and laugh heartily to enhance mutual feelings. The way you laugh can also give you a glimpse into a person's innermost being. In life, laughter is the expression of one's feelings, one's perception of life, one's charm, and one's silent confession. So...

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