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Test the biggest lie deep in your heart

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 5
Have you ever lied to yourself? Or on some occasions, have to weave some lies to cover up the truth? In fact, lying is not a good habit, but we sometimes have to do it for various reasons. So, deep down in your heart, what is the biggest lie? Through this test, let us uncover your innermost secrets together!

Why would a man lie to you?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute
No one does not lie, so men and women in love will always intersperse some perfunctory words that are both true and false in their intimacy. If you tell too much, it will become a lie. Some intentional lies are definitely born out of bad intentions, but more unavoidable lies are out of good intentions. How many such inevitable lies are there in your relationship? This test will help you understa...

Can you lie?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
Psychologists believe that people lie to others unconsciously, sometimes without even thinking about it or even admitting that they are lying. The more people try to hide their inner feelings when lying, the more they will be exposed due to changes in various body movements. Psychologists from Belgium, Canada, Germany, the United States and the Netherlands conducted statistics on thousands of peo...

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