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Test your crisis response skills

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
Crisis response ability means being able to effectively grasp work-related information when facing public crisis events, that is, capturing tendentious and potential public crisis issues, formulating feasible plans, scientifically handling and making decisions, so as to solve the problem in The budding state or the ability to minimize the losses caused by public crises to people's lives and proper...

Sex drive test, do you know your body?

Mental/Health 30 1 minute 1
Regarding sexual happiness: Many times, the quality of people's sexual life does not depend on skills, but is closely related to sexual desire. The desire for sexual activity is a common physiological and psychological phenomenon after humans enter puberty. As an instinct, sexual desire is formed in the process of biological evolution and fixed by heredity. It is necessary for the maintenance of ...

What is your “Achilles’ heel” in life?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
Life will always make you worried because of small changes here and there. What do you care about more in your life? Are you worried about poor performance at work or are you just thinking about how much money you still have to earn? Let’s take a test and see what is your “Achilles’ heel” in life?

How are your workplace abilities?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute 1
The workplace is a place with complex relationships. To handle the relationship with your boss, colleagues and subordinates well, you need wisdom. In daily work, handling ability is very important. It is not only related to personal development, but also the key to maintaining good interpersonal relationships in the workplace. If you want to know how well you handle things, take the test below!

Will you fall in love?

Love/Relationship 3 2 minute
After a couple has a conflict, their first thought may be: 'Either it comes too soon, or it comes too late. Beautiful mistakes are often close to reality. In the wrong place, at the wrong time, you meet the wrong person.' comes to mind. 'I want to break up with him/her.' In fact, this is a very extreme idea. In most cases, their problems are just minor problems and haven't reached the point of pa...

Test your problem-solving ability?

Mental/Health 3 3 minute
Problem-solving ability is related to the quality of a person's work. This test can provide a basis for judging a person's problem-solving ability. Please choose an answer that suits you among the alternative answers for each question.

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