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Workplace Test: Are you a qualified team leader?

As the saying goes, 'The soil and water nourish the people, and the leadership they follow will produce the same soldiers.' This shows the importance of being a leader. A leader is a person in the entire team who plays an important role in connecting the past and the next. He is a guiding light and needs to gather the strength of multiple parties to maximize benefits. It is easy to be a leader, ...

Are you approachable?

Workplace/career 3 2 minute
Affinity is an essential quality for a leader and the glue between leaders and employees. If you want employees to be loyal to you and treat your career as your own and work hard, you must be good at getting along with employees and truly integrate into them. go. Not only should we care about the specific work within the organization, but we should also treat employees as owners. To find out if y...

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