MBTI Type 16 psychological age, which one are you? Come and test it out!

MBTI Type 16 psychological age, which one are you? Come and test it out!

Is your mental age the same as your actual age? Do you sometimes feel that you are very mature and other times very naive? Did you know that your mental age has a lot to do with your personality type? Today, we will take a look at the super popular MBTI sixteen personality types. What is the mental age of each personality? Are you one of them?

The latest Chinese version of the free MBTI personality test

MBTI Type 16 is a very popular psychological test that can help you understand your personality characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, as well as career and love that suit you. MBTI Type 16 personality is divided according to four dimensions, namely introversion or extroversion, intuition or feeling, thinking or feeling, and judgment or perception. Everyone has their own personality type, which consists of four letters, such as INTJ, ESFP, etc.

If you still don’t know which personality type you have, don’t worry, you can click MBTI free test link to take a simple test. It only takes a few minutes to get your personality type. Of course, you can also skip the test directly and look at the analysis below to find the personality type that you think best suits you. Maybe you can guess your mental age.

Okay, without further ado, let’s take a look at the mental age of the MBTI Type 16 personality!

MBTI Psychological Age of Type 16 Personality

INTJ Psychological Age

First, let’s take a look at the personality type with the oldest mental age, which is INTJ, the architect type. Is it surprising that the mental age of INTJ is 99? INTJ is a deep-thinking, elusive, and somewhat mysterious personality type. They have long seen through the secular society and are regarded as weirdos by the people around them. They have their own persistence and persistence in their hearts. They often give advice to others with sincerity, but unfortunately no one thinks of it. listen. INTJ is like an old man, with rich wisdom and experience, but also a little lonely and not understood.

INTP mental age

Next, let’s take a look at the personality type with the youngest mental age, which is INTP, the logician type. The mental age of INTP is 6 years old. Isn’t it cute? INTP is a personality type that is full of curiosity, likes to think and explore, and looks for ideas to solve problems. Regardless of their actual age, they maintain a childlike innocence and are curious about the outside world, just like when they saw ants for the first time when they were children. . INTP is like a child, with endless imagination and creativity, but also a little naive and unrealistic.

So, what are the mental ages of other personality types? We will reveal them to you one by one in order from largest to smallest.

ESTJ Psychological Age

ESTJ, general manager type, mental age is 45 years old. ESTJ is a decisive and practical personality type. They like order and organization, are willing to take responsibility, and have the thinking of successful people. They always appear to be very mature in doing things and have little sentimentality, but they handle all aspects of life well and have a strong sense of the overall situation. , very fair and just, a person who does great things.

ISTJ Psychological Age

ISTJ, Logistics Engineer type, mental age is 38 years old. ISTJ is a cautious and reliable personality type. They like to do things according to rules and plans, and are meticulous in doing things. They are slightly younger than senior managers. They also have their own set of work ideas and systems. They are very good at financial management, work down-to-earth, and improve step by step. Stability every day is the best reward.

ENTJ Mental Age

ENTJ, commander type, mental age is 35 years old. ENTJ is an ambitious and action-oriented personality type. They are the youngest managers and may also be successful entrepreneurs. They always travel in various situations in the upper reaches of society. While pursuing fame and fortune, they do not forget their youth. Shi’s dream, with strong leadership and execution ability, is a person who changes the world.

ENTP psychological age

ENTP, debater type, mental age is 32 years old. ENTP is a smart, curious, and flexible personality type. They are good at debating and exploring new ideas. They have the maturity of a professional but also the enthusiasm of a teenager. They are comfortable in any situation, are very popular, and are full of novel ideas. But sometimes it takes three minutes for an idea to become a reality, and someone needs to be there to supervise it.

ISFJ Psychological Age

ISFJ, guardian type, mental age is 30 years old. ISFJ is a gentle and mature personality type. It is a silent giver and a guardian. Because it does not know how to refuse, it often suffers. However, it also understands the tone of human nature better. It is worthwhile to know the world without being worldly, and to emerge from the mud without being stained. A trusted friend and companion.

ESFJ Psychological Age

ESFJ, archon type, mental age is 28 years old. ESFJ is a warm, friendly, and responsible personality type. They are good at interpersonal communication and willing to help others. Sometimes they are mature parents, but they are also immature at heart. They are easy to be impulsive, overzealous, and often make mistakes in judgment. Sometimes, someone needs to remind and take care of you.

ISTP psychological age

ISTP, Virtuoso type, mental age is 27 years old. ISTP is a rational, practical, and flexible personality type who is good at dealing with technical problems and practical challenges. They have their own opinions and firmly grasp everything in life. They know very well what they want in life and are always changing, even if It doesn’t matter if you overthrow the world and betray everything, you are the one who dares to pursue your own self-worth.

ISFP psychological age

ISFP, explorer type, psychological age is 26 years old. ISFP is a personality type of artist and harmony seeker. They value their inner values and express themselves through creative expression. Their personal world is very rich. They like to spend time alone. They are not very good at socializing, but they do not have friends. Young, his biggest dream is to do what he likes all his life and not to deal with the troubled outside world. He is a person with romantic feelings.

INFJ Psychological Age

INFJ, advocate type, mental age is 25 years old. INFJ is an imaginative and insightful personality type. They pay attention to the needs of others and often have profound insights. They always feel that their mentality is very mature, but in fact sometimes it is very naive, and they are hammered by reality from time to time. They also have overly idealistic values, which are difficult to realize in the real society. You must learn to reconcile with yourself.

ESTP psychological age

ESTP, entrepreneurial type, mental age is 23 years old. ESTP is an explorer and pragmatist personality type. They are brave, optimistic, and like to get excitement from exciting experiences. They are an eternally young playboy. Regardless of their actual age, their mentality is always that of a teenager and they like to have fun. , take risks, and become more immersed in the life of luxury and wealth. I believe that life should be enjoyed and lived in the present.

INFP psychological age

INFP, mediator type, mental age is 21 years old. INFP is an idealistic and passionate personality type with strong values and often focuses on the potential possibilities of human beings. They have sensitive and soft hearts and never grow up. They hope that the world can be as beautiful as they imagine in their hearts, but Things went against their wishes, and slowly, they closed themselves off, no longer contacted the outside world, and kept dreaming of their own dreams.

ENFP psychological age

ENFP, the campaigner, has a mental age of 17. ENFP is a personality type full of energy and creativity. They are optimistic, imaginative, and often encourage others. They are like an eternal teenager, loving to laugh, make fun, and laugh. They seem to have no worries and long for the distant future. Blue sky and sea.

ESFP Psychological Age

ESFP, Entertainer type, mental age is 15 years old. ESFP is a personality type of hedonist and Entertainer. They are good at socializing and entertaining, optimistic and enthusiastic, lively and active. They like to play around and make new friends. They are always a child who will never grow up and need someone to take care of and clean up the mess. , but seeing their bright smiles, no one could get angry.

ENFJ Psychological Age

ENFJ, protagonist type, mental age is 14 years old. ENFJ is a personality type that cares about the needs of others and is good at motivating and influencing others as leaders and educators. They are passionate and love fantasy, but because they are upright, many people are still willing to follow them and are very popular in the circle. Welcome is like a 14-year-old boy with unlimited possibilities.


The above is the psychological age of MBTI Type 16 personality. Do you think it is accurate? Is your mental age consistent with your actual age? Are you more mature or childlike? Welcome to leave a message to share your thoughts!

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/0lxnRnxJ/

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