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MBTI Type 16 psychological age, which one are you? Come and test it out!

Is your mental age the same as your actual age? Do you sometimes feel that you are very mature and other times very naive? Did you know that your mental age has a lot to do with your personality type? Today, we will take a look at the super popular MBTI sixteen personality types. What is the mental age of each personality? Are you one of them? The latest Chinese version of the free MBTI personali...

Psychological aging, are you affected? 16 questions, you will know in one test

The psychological behavior of people aging before they get old is called psychological aging. Aging attitude is people's experience and evaluation of the aging process and old age. It is a relatively complex psychological structure that can be divided into multiple levels from different angles. As age increases, many psychological functions of modern people, especially cognitive functions, de...

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