Blood type contempt chain: Does your blood type determine your career destiny?

Blood type contempt chain: Does your blood type determine your career destiny?

Blood type contempt chain in the workplace

In some Asian countries, especially Japan and South Korea, people pay special attention to blood types. Although this belief is not supported by conclusive evidence in science, it is still popular in some cultures.

In Japanese society, certain blood types are considered superior or more suitable for certain roles than others, creating a form of social prejudice and discrimination. This blood type contempt chain phenomenon is not based on scientific evidence, but on widely spread beliefs and superstitions.

Blood type contempt chains may lead to people with certain blood types being treated unfairly in the workplace, although it lacks scientific basis. For example, if two job applicants have the same conditions, a Japanese company may give priority to people with type A blood. Some companies may also group employees based on blood type, believing that this will make the team more productive.

Let’s discuss the “blood type contempt chain in the workplace”.

Blood type A: Model student in the workplace

People with type A blood are like the model students who always hand in their homework in advance in the workplace. They are considered good employees who are attentive, organized and follow the rules. But don’t be deceived by their appearance. On the inside, they may be anxious about the next deadline.

Type A blood is considered the ideal blood type and is associated with traits such as intelligence, competence, carefulness and responsibility. In Japan, people with type A blood are usually welcomed and are considered a plus in terms of marriage, job hunting, or politics.

Blood Type B: Free Soul Adventurer

People with type B blood are free souls in the workplace. They are endlessly creative and can always come up with some ‘crazy’ ideas. But beware, their free spirit sometimes leads them to pop up in meetings with questions like ‘Why don’t we go to the Mars office for a meeting?’

Type B blood types are sometimes considered self-centered and difficult to work with. In some cases, people with type B blood may be deemed unsuitable for positions that require teamwork.

Blood type O: born leader

People with type O blood are considered to be natural leaders. They are always confident and ready to lead the team into battle. But don’t forget, they are also the “social butterflies” in the workplace. They may suddenly invite you to a weekend barbecue party when you are focusing on work.

Although type O blood is sometimes considered a positive and leadership blood type, in some statistics people with type O blood are considered to have a higher crime rate, especially theft.

AB blood type: the mysterious all-rounder

People with AB blood type are enigmatic existences in the workplace. They have both Type A organization and Type B creativity. But their mysterious personalities can sometimes make people scratch their heads, and you never know what they will do next.

Type AB blood is considered a complex and unpredictable blood type. In some statistics in Japan, people with type AB blood are considered to have a higher proportion of dangerous criminal acts, such as arson.


In the workplace, a person’s ability and performance are the most important evaluation criteria, and there should be no bias based on blood type.

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