A practical and simple mind-reading technique that allows you to instantly know what the other person is thinking!

Have you ever had the experience of chatting with someone and always feeling like they are lying or hiding something? Have you ever thought that if you could read the other person’s mind, you would be able to communicate better? In fact, everyone’s body language and expressions will reveal their inner activities and emotions. If we can learn to observe and analyze these subtle signals, we can master some practical and simple mind-reading skills, making us more comfortable in interpersonal communication.

Mind reading

Today, I will share 6 simple mind-reading techniques that will allow you to quickly understand the other person’s thoughts and feelings, so as to make a more appropriate response.

1. Cross your arms in front of you

When a person crosses his or her arms in front of the body when speaking or being listened to, it usually indicates that he is in a defensive and avoidant state. It’s like using your hands as a shield to protect yourself. This may be because he is not familiar with or trusts the person speaking and wants to keep distance from the other person. It may also be because he doesn’t like or agree with what the other person said, showing an attitude of rejection and disgust.

When you see the other person doing this, you can try changing the topic or method to make the other person feel more comfortable and relaxed. Or you can take the initiative to break the deadlock, such as reaching out to shake the other person’s hand, or gently pat the other person’s shoulder to express your friendliness and sincerity.

2. Body tilt

When a person is talking to someone else, his body will unconsciously lean in the direction he is interested in or likes. If he faces you head-on, it means he is very interested in you or the topic you are talking about and is willing to listen and communicate. If he leans in the other direction, it means he is not interested in you or the topic you are talking about and wants to end the conversation or divert his attention.

When you see the other party making this move, you can make appropriate adjustments according to the situation. If the other person is facing you head-on, you can continue to maintain this good communication state and enhance mutual understanding and trust. If the other person is leaning in the other direction, you can try to change the topic or method to a more attractive topic to get the other person to re-invest in the conversation.

3. Lack of concentration

When a person shows a lack of concentration in a situation, such as hanging his head, dazing, yawning, etc., it may mean that he is feeling nervous, scared or timid. This may be because he is unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the occasion, or because he has something on his mind or is stressed. People in this state often lack self-confidence and initiative, and are easily ignored or bullied.

When you see the other person in this state, you can try to give the other person some encouragement and support to make the other person feel your care and understanding. Or you can take the initiative to chat with the other person about some relaxed and interesting topics, so that the other person can relax and regain their confidence and vitality.

4. Inadvertent little actions

When a person is chatting, if he keeps making some inadvertent little movements, such as shaking his legs, playing with his fingers, twirling his hair, etc., it may mean that he is feeling impatient or nervous. This may be because he is not interested or dissatisfied with the current topic or situation and wants to end it as soon as possible or escape. It may also be that he has some concerns or problems that make him feel anxious or troubled.

When you see the other party making these small moves, you can try to find out the reasons for the other party’s dissatisfaction or distress, and then give the other party some help or suggestions to make the other party feel your concern and help. Or you can take the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere, such as making a joke, telling a story, asking a question, etc., to divert the other person’s attention and relieve their emotions.

5. Handshake

The handshake is the most common and important body language in interpersonal communication. It represents our politeness and respect for a person. However, a handshake can also reveal a lot about a person’s character and state of mind. If a person shows strength when shaking hands, it means that he is confident in himself, and he is also very independent and decisive. If a person shows weakness when shaking hands, it means that he is not confident in himself and is easily influenced and controlled by others.

When you shake hands with others, you can judge the other person’s character and mentality based on the strength of the other person’s hand, so as to make a more appropriate response. If the other person has a strong handshake, you can show some admiration and appreciation to make the other person feel your recognition and respect. If the other person’s handshake is weak, you can show some encouragement and support to make the other person feel that you care and help.

6. Eye to eye

Eyes are the windows to the soul and the part that best expresses a person’s inner emotions. When we talk to others, looking them in the eye is a sign of respect and honesty. Because it means that we are focusing on each other, which is a kind of attention and recognition of others. It also means that we are confident and firm in what we say. If we dodge or flash our eyes when we speak, it may appear that we are lying or hiding something.

When you talk to someone, you can judge what the other person is really thinking and feeling based on their eyes. If the other person looks you in the eyes, it means that he or she is interested in or agrees with you or what you are saying. If the other person avoids or flashes his eyes, it means that he is doubtful or disgusted with you or what you say. Of course, if the other person is always staring at you, it may be because he has a crush on you or is curious about you.

Mind reading

Have you learned the above 6 simple mind-reading skills? If you can use these mind-reading skills, you will be able to understand and communicate better, making you more confident and successful in interpersonal interactions. Of course, these mind-reading skills are not absolute and must be judged based on specific situations and language. At the same time, you should also be careful not to over-interpret other people’s body language and expressions to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

Finally, I want to tell you the most important mind-reading skill, which is: listen.

Listening is one of the most basic and effective communication skills. It allows us to have a deeper understanding of the other party’s thoughts and feelings, and also allows the other party to feel our respect and care. If we can sincerely listen to others, we can build a trusting and intimate relationship, leading to better communication.

I hope this article is helpful to you. If you like it, please give me a like or share it with your friends! Thank you for reading!

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