Use SWOT analysis to find out personal strengths and opportunities, and quickly find the job and industry that best suits you

“What should I do? I’ll graduate in a few months and I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future.” “How about getting a master’s degree?” “I’ll be a soldier first and then think about it later.” Graduation season is approaching. , are you feeling uneasy about entering the society? I feel even more anxious when I think that my entire resume is blank. In fact, for college students with no work experience, it is really a big challenge to find their first job in a short period of time. However, even if you feel that you have no experience to put on your resume, there are still some skills that can make the human resources department take a fancy to you!

1. Use SWOT analysis to find out personal strengths First, let’s look back at the four-year college career. In addition to Regarding the professional knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, have you participated in any off-campus activities? Please try to find out the experiences in which you are best at and perform best, and turn these achievements into your core competencies in the workplace, and you can also use this to get rid of the image of having no work experience. For example, many companies will use to understand the applicant’s personal characteristics, job suitability, teamwork ability, etc. before the interview. Therefore, it is also recommended that graduates with no work experience can use SWOT analysis in advance to list their strengths (Strength), weaknesses (Weakness), whether their abilities are qualified for the job opportunities they are applying for (Opportunity), and how to face external challenges. Adaptability to competitive threats (Threat). Once you have a comprehensive understanding of your strengths and capabilities, you will be able to find a relatively suitable industry. > > The following are the “Western SWOT analysis done by “Reserve Cadre in the Restaurant Off-site”: Strengths (Strength): Intrinsic and personal factors > ● Enthusiastic and lively personality > > ● Good at communication > > ● Experience working in a cheap steak restaurant > > ● A club that leads junior students Weaknesses of Cadre Propaganda Manager Experience: Internal and personal factors > ● I am relatively unfamiliar with the high-end consumer groups in Western restaurants > > ● I do not understand the potential needs of consumers, because customers in cheap steakhouses leave when they are full > > ● I feel nervous when speaking English Opportunity: External and industrial environment factors > ● Western restaurants have more return customers in the high-end consumer market, and have more opportunities to get real feedback from consumers > > ● In the near future, the restaurant plans to hire overseas Michelin-starred chefs as chefs. In the future, restaurants may have the opportunity to obtain Michelin star certification > > ● High-end restaurants have greater consumer reputation in the catering market, which is conducive to future career threats (Threat): external and industrial environment factors > ● The starting salary of reserve cadres is higher, which may Attract senior grass-roots catering industry workers to become competitors > > ● The epidemic has significantly affected the catering industry’s revenue. Finally, the following combinations are summarized, so that you can understand them before writing your resume, autobiography or preparing for an interview. How to present your career plan and competitiveness, you can also understand your shortcomings first, and prepare “solutions” and arguments in advance. (1) Advantages when faced with opportunities: Enthusiastic and sincere personality can help cultivate regular customers, and restaurant working experience can help you get started quickly. (2) Advantages in the face of threats: I have served as a club publicity officer and understand the role of response and communication between the school and students. I can also provide community publicity suggestions to stimulate the promotion of takeaway discounts during the epidemic. (3) Disadvantages in the face of opportunities: After admission, I will observe the way senior employees in the store greet and greet regular customers. At the same time, I will also start taking online courses in English listening and conversation to accumulate my English skills. (4) Weaknesses in the face of threats: Observe more reviews and messages of high-end restaurants at home and abroad on the Internet, understand the needs of high-end restaurants from the perspective of high-end consumers, so that you can have more preparations than competitors in the labor market, and you can also Find out how other restaurants are operating during the pandemic. 2. Don’t have part-time work experience? Listing club experience can also be used instead Furthermore, if you have no work experience, you should also make use of the club activities, internships, part-time jobs, etc. you participated in during your school years, such as listing the large-scale activities on campus that you have hosted, assisted Professors conduct special research, or take the initiative to participate in volunteer services outside the school. Although these may not appear to be workplace businesses at first glance, they actually require the use of work abilities to complete tasks and goals. Therefore, compared with other job seeker competitors, you can gain the favor of human resources and increase your chances of interviewing. In addition to the above two skills, if college students can match relevant “professional certificates” and “language skills” when looking for a job, it is also a good opportunity to add points to their personal resumes. Finally, what the editor would like to share with you is that I often hear people say that “the first five years out of society are very important.” It also shows that this period is not only a period of work exploration, but also a foundation for subsequent careers. critical period. Therefore, don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to find a good job without work experience. If you want to reverse the trend that graduation equals unemployment, it’s time to start preparing well in advance!

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