Seven common mistakes in cover letters for college graduates, how to avoid them?

A college graduate cover letter is the first step for you to present yourself to the recruiting unit and is also the key to getting an interview. However, many college students unconsciously make some stupid mistakes when writing cover letters, which affects their image and competitiveness. This article will analyze seven common mistakes in cover letters for college graduates and give you some suggestions for improvement to help you write a more professional, interesting, and attractive cover letter.

1. Overconfidence

Overconfidence is a common psychological misunderstanding that makes you think that your academic performance can determine your work ability. In fact, the recruiting unit not only values your academic qualifications and grades, but also your practical experience, overall quality and personal characteristics. If you only emphasize your outstanding achievements in your cover letter and ignore other aspects of your performance, you will give people the impression of being arrogant, immature, and unrealistic.

Suggestions for improvement: In your cover letter, you should appropriately demonstrate your academic achievements, but do not overexaggerate or brag about yourself. At the same time, you should also highlight your practical experience, such as community activities, volunteer services, internship projects, etc. you have participated in, to explain your gains and contributions in these areas. In addition, you must show your comprehensive qualities and personal characteristics, such as communication skills, teamwork, innovative thinking, sense of responsibility, etc., so that the recruiting unit can see your all-round development and potential.

2. Not confident enough

Lack of self-confidence is another common psychological misunderstanding, which makes you think that you are not capable enough and dare not express your strengths and values. In fact, recruiting units hope to see job seekers who are confident, assertive, and individual, rather than humble, passive, and mediocre job seekers. If you only talk about your shortcomings in your cover letter or are too modest, you will give people the impression of being weak, incompetent, and boring.

Suggestions for improvement: In your cover letter, you should honestly express your strengths and values, but don’t be overly inferior or self-deprecating. At the same time, you should also face up to your shortcomings, but don’t overemphasize or apologize. You can use some positive language, such as ‘I am working hard to improve’, ‘I am confident to overcome’, etc., to show that you have a clear understanding of your shortcomings and have plans and actions for improvement. In addition, you must also show your own opinions and personality, such as your interest and motivation for this position, your opinions and suggestions for this industry, your understanding and expectations for this company, etc., so that the recruiting unit can see your uniqueness Sex and attraction.

3. Problem with reasoning

Problematic reasoning is a common logical error that leads you to believe that your academic performance or interests prove your ability to work. In fact, the recruiting unit not only needs to see your academic performance or interests, but also your work ability and compatibility. If you only talk about your achievements or interests in your cover letter without providing any relevant evidence or examples, it will give people an impression of being empty, weak, and unprofessional.

Suggestions for improvement: In your cover letter, you should talk about your academic performance or interests reasonably, but do not rely too much on or abuse them. At the same time, you should also provide some specific evidence or examples, such as how you use your knowledge or skills in learning or practice, how you solve problems or create value when facing challenges or difficulties, and when you participate in projects or activities. How to show your abilities or contributions, etc., to illustrate your work ability and compatibility. In addition, you must also pay attention to logical coherence and consistency. For example, the beginning, middle, and end of your cover letter must have a clear theme and purpose. The content of your cover letter must be consistent with your resume and position requirements. The tone and style of your cover letter should be compatible with your personal image and company culture, etc., so that the recruiting unit can see that you think clearly and express yourself fluently.

4. The tone is not solemn

Being rude is a common language mistake that leads you to believe that your feelings or thoughts represent facts or truth. In fact, recruiting units hope to see objective, rational, and professional job seekers, not subjective, emotional, and casual job seekers. If you use too many subjective words such as ‘I think’, ‘I see’ and ‘I think’ in your cover letter, or too many emphatic words such as ‘I very much hope’ and ‘I really like’ , it will give people an impression of immaturity, imprecision, and untrustworthiness.

Improvement suggestions: In your cover letter, you should use subjective words such as ‘I think’, ‘I see’, ‘I think’ appropriately, but do not use them too frequently or abuse them. At the same time, you should also use emphatic words such as ‘I very much hope’ and ‘I really like’ appropriately, but do not be overly exaggerated or emotional. You can use some objective, rational, and professional words, such as ‘based on’, ‘as far as I know’, ‘I think’, etc., to explain that your views or ideas have basis or reasons. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the appropriateness and politeness of the tone. For example, your cover letter should have a title and greeting at the beginning, thank you and expectations at the end of your cover letter, and the full text of your cover letter should have honorifics and respect, etc. , let the recruiting unit see your sincere attitude and thoughtful etiquette.

5. Negative work attitude

A negative work attitude is a common mental error that makes you think that you can become a qualified employee as long as you follow the requirements of the recruiting unit. In fact, the recruiting unit not only wants to see that you can complete basic work tasks, but also that you can proactively make suggestions, innovatively solve problems, and actively assume responsibilities. If you use some passive or old-fashioned language in your cover letter, such as ‘if your company requires it’, ‘I will do it’, ‘I am willing’, etc., it will give people the impression of being unassertive, uncreative, and unenthusiastic. .

Suggestions for improvement: In your cover letter, you should use some proactive or modern language, but don’t be too opinionated or follow the trend. At the same time, you should also use some innovative or personalized language, but don’t be too adventurous or alternative. You can use some positive or interesting language, such as ‘I look forward to’, ‘I am happy’, ‘I am good at’, etc., to explain your work attitude and work style. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the adaptation and matching of language. For example, your cover letter should choose the appropriate language and tone according to the characteristics of the position you are applying for and the company, so that the recruiting unit can see your flexibility and professionalism.

6. Improper wording

Poor phrasing is a common presentation mistake that leads you to think that your choice of words or rhetoric reflects your personality or humor. In fact, recruiting units hope to see job seekers who are standardized, accurate, and decent, not job seekers who are random, wrong, and inelegant. If you use some inappropriate words or rhetoric in your cover letter, such as exaggeration, childishness, offense, etc., it will give people an impression of being unprofessional, inappropriate, and disrespectful.

Suggestions for improvement: In your cover letter, you should use words and rhetoric in a formal way, but not overly rigid or boring. At the same time, you should use words and figures of speech accurately, but not overly complex or obscure. You can use some appropriate words and rhetoric, such as appropriate metaphors, quotations, transitions, etc., to increase the vividness and persuasiveness of your cover letter. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the appropriateness and civility of words and rhetoric. For example, in your cover letter, you should avoid using some derogatory, slang, vulgar and other words, and you should also avoid using some rhetoric such as boasting, sarcasm, provocation, etc., so that the recruiting unit will see you. language proficiency and cultural literacy.

7. Too many abbreviations

Abbreviating words too much is a common habit mistake, leading you to think that your abbreviation or abbreviation will save time or space. In fact, recruiting units want to see complete, clear, and formal job applicants, rather than brief, vague, and casual job applicants. If you use too many abbreviations or abbreviations in your cover letter, such as school, subject, company, etc., it will give the impression that you are not serious, unclear, and impolite.

Suggestions for improvement: In your cover letter, you should use complete words but not be overly wordy or wordy. At the same time, you also want to use words clearly, but don’t be overly detailed or repetitive. You can use some formal words, such as full name, abbreviation, code name, etc., to describe the object and content of your cover letter. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the consistency and unity of words. For example, your cover letter should follow a certain format and specifications, and should also be coordinated with your resume and other materials, so that the recruiting unit can see your organizational and communication skills.


The above are common problems in cover letters for college graduates, as well as corresponding suggestions for improvement. I hope you can avoid these mistakes when writing your cover letter and improve the quality and effectiveness of your cover letter. Thank you for reading and I wish you success in your job search!

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