What should you say to introduce yourself during an interview?

Often don’t know what to say when introducing yourself during an interview? During the interview, in order to get to know you faster, more than 90% of the company managers will ask you to briefly introduce yourself for 3 to 5 minutes at the first step. But where should I start when introducing myself for an interview? In this short period of time, what should be said and what should not be said? In fact, the most important thing about self-introduction in an interview is to show that you have good adaptability in unfamiliar situations. If you want the interviewer to leave a good impression on you, preparing a self-introduction in advance is definitely the first step to get an offer. !

##1. How to prepare for self-introduction for an interview? Usually the interviewer will first ask you to introduce yourself briefly. What he wants to know is whether you really know the characteristics and skills required for this position; or whether he wants to re-introduce yourself in these few minutes. Take a look at your resume and related information. Therefore, after thinking from this perspective, you can prepare your interview self-introduction in the following two directions. ###1. What is your motivation for applying for this position? In fact, self-introduction is the best opportunity for you to market yourself. Therefore, please explain to the interviewer why you like this position? Or which culture of the company is most attractive to you? ** Even how you think this position will help your personal career to the next level, etc. As for the direction of the reference answer, it is like: “From the various XXX information I have collected, I know that your company plans to expand the scale in field A and revise product B. I think my past experience in the project team can help The company successfully expanded.” ###2. What experience stands out to you compared to other job applicants? In fact, this question is quite similar to another required interview question, which is “Why should we hire you?” Therefore, in addition to the self-introduction process, focus on the main conditions of the position or the company’s core values, and clearly follow The interviewer explains why you are qualified. Furthermore, ** is to briefly describe which of your skills can bring outstanding results to the company . ##2. Simple 3-structure self-introduction for the interview. The above-mentioned are the two questions you must ask yourself before the interview. If we take a 3-minute self-introduction as an example, you can simply divide it into 3 structures in proportion. First draw out the outline and then slowly fill in the content. This will less likely make you so nervous that you can’t handle it at the beginning of the interview. ###1. Quickly provide personal information (10%) The first step in self-introduction in an interview is to let the other party have a preliminary understanding of you, but relatively speaking, it can also be simpler, such as basic personal information , learning experience, personality characteristics, etc. As for the direction of the reference answer, it is like: “Hello, my name is XXX. I graduated from the Department of Business Management of XX University. My areas of expertise are project management and content marketing. The university once served as an intern at the XX e-commerce website, responsible for assisting XX products and the content of operating social platforms. Currently, I am working at XX company and am mainly responsible for marketing planning…” ###2. List your key experiences and expertise (60%) The next step is the most important part of the interview self-introduction. In addition to focusing on the key descriptions of your previous work experience, you also need to list them. 2 to 3 of your work skills, and then what achievements you have achieved at work by using these work skills. ** For example: You have helped the natural traffic of the company’s website grow by 50%, and the planned marketing activities have brought back 30% of new members, etc. Use “numbers” to visualize your problem-solving abilities, you will It is much better than asking the interviewer to use vague adjectives such as “a lot” and “many”, and it can also make the interviewer more impressed with you. ###3. Express your future vision and end perfectly (30%) Finally, after describing your career outline in your self-introduction, you have to return to your future work expectations. In addition to telling the interviewer what you think about the position you are applying for, How to implement the plan to express how eager you are for this position. It would be better if you can clearly state the value you expect to bring to the company! ##3. Self-introduction minefield After reading the above three major structures of self-introduction in interviews, do you have more ideas about the content of self-introduction? Next, in order to prevent everyone from taking too many wrong paths, I would also like to remind all job-seeking friends to pay attention to the following two easily misunderstood contents, but do not appear in your self-introduction content! ###1. Act too modestly. I believe everyone knows that the time for self-introduction is only 5 minutes at most. However, if you still act timid and incoherent, it will make the interviewer feel uncomfortable. You lose points greatly! Because the interviewer just hopes to evaluate your suitability for this position through the interview, and if you act too modestly and provide him with “undervalued” information, he may also “underestimate” you. ###2. Waste time describing interests unrelated to work. Sometimes in order to create a brilliant self-introduction and give the interviewer the impression of being talkative and easy to get along with, job seekers will accidentally talk in the wrong direction. Just because self-introduction in an interview is different from self-introduction in class when you are studying, topics such as your interests after work, life experiences, travel experiences and other leisure and entertainment topics can be completely avoided, unless there is a way to apply these interest traits to your current situation. in the position you are applying for. ** Finally, I suggest job seekers that the content of the self-introduction for the interview is best tailored based on personal experience. After all, the interviewer has already got your resume, and actually wants to get to know you “somewhat” better. , but never repeat the contents of your resume. In addition, in the work experience section, try to package the work situation in the form of a short story, which can also make the entire conversation more comfortable and enjoyable! What kind of career will make you prosperous?

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/zP5RPdea/

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