Can you be your ideal self by the age of 30?

As a senior bourgeois woman, Xiao Ke has passed the age of 30 many years ago, but she often regrets in her midnight dreams: If she had done more, would things be different now? Observing the successful female friends around me, I concluded that if you do it before the age of 30, you will not be able to buy 6 things that you already know!

##1. Xiaoke, who majored in Japanese in a foreign language university, did not focus on his homework when he was in school, which led to his grades. It’s not ideal, but the work I will do in the future will require the use of a lot of Japanese and English. It makes me regret that I only started to study seriously after leaving school. Moreover, in today’s globalized society, it is possible to use a foreign language extensively whether at work, traveling or educating children. After the age of 30, people are often busy with work and family and cannot devote more time to learning. Therefore, The best time to learn a language is to start now! In the service industry, whether working at the hotel counter, outside a restaurant or cafe, or as a store clerk, having foreign language skills is definitely a highlight in the workplace. ##2. Do it as soon as you think of it. Although there is a saying that “opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared”, but I always worry that I am not ready yet and hold back. Instead, I let the opportunity slip away. Remember that nothing is perfect, and 80% of it will happen. Just do it if you are sure! While you are young and have the capital to make a comeback, do it if you think of it! I won’t let the future only complain about knowing it earlier. ##3. Visit various places and travel to various countries to enrich your international outlook. “It is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles.” I believe everyone must be familiar with this old saying. In addition to having rich knowledge, it is also very important to visit more places and countries to seek practice, and this Foreign language skills can also come in handy, and you can have a deeper understanding of local culture and customs, enrich your international outlook, and try to travel abroad as much as possible while you are young! ##4. Healthy living habits. Do you feel that you are still young at 20 years old, and you can stay up all night and still be energetic the next day? It is true that youth is a capital, but if you waste the capital of indulging yourself, your body will fight back after the age of 30, and aging diseases will come to the body one by one, such as high liver index, high blood lipids, easy headaches, poor gastrointestinal digestion, and poor physical strength. Deterioration, etc. It’s too late to regret at this time. From now on, “not staying up late”, “exercising frequently”, and developing healthy living habits will be of great help to the next 50 years. ##5. Cultivate financial management habits. I didn’t think about it when I was 20 years old. I felt that my current salary could not keep up with housing prices and it was too difficult to buy a house. I just lay down and did not develop financial management habits early. When my colleagues around me started buying houses and having children, I was shocked to realize that I was several years late. Then start from scratch: 50% of your income should be used for necessary living expenses, 30% should be financial management, investment or savings plans, and 20% should be liquid funds that can be used flexibly in daily life, such as social networking, online Courses etc. And started to learn about financial management. “If you don’t manage your finances, your finances will ignore you.” You can’t always be a free earner. ##6. Find your own position. Many people still don’t know their life direction even after graduating from college. They should take advantage of their 20s to try to choose a job that suits them, understand their own strengths and talents, and find the purpose of life. Have fun, such as using your time after get off work or taking courses, etc. to find a good position for you after the age of 30.

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