10 principles to help you avoid 90% of social malice

Social interaction is an indispensable part of human life, but social interaction also has risks and challenges. How to avoid social maliciousness and improve social efficiency and quality? This article will provide you with some professional advice and guidance based on the following ten principles. 1. Analyze the characteristics of the surrounding social environment, and analyze the characteristics of the three types of people in the social circle: key people, more key people, and ordinary people, so as to make you look approachable in their eyes. This is important because different social environments have different rules and expectations, and you need to understand and adapt to these rules in order to gain recognition and respect from others. At the same time, you also need to distinguish between different types of people and understand their needs, preferences, values, etc. in order to establish a good relationship with them. You can obtain this information by observing, listening, asking, etc., but be careful not to pry too much or inquire about other people’s privacy. 2. To make others think you are approachable, you don’t need to be perfect, you just need to be mutually attracted or the emotional benefits are cost-effective. This means that you don’t need to deliberately cater to or imitate others, but rather show your own personality and charm. You can attract others by sharing your interests, hobbies, experiences, insights, etc., and you can also provide emotional support to others by praising, encouraging, helping, listening, etc. Of course, you should also pay attention to maintaining moderation and balance, and not being too self-centered or too dependent on others. 3. What needs to be noted is that you need to understand the taboos in the circle around you, that is, what cannot be done, and if you do it, you will be disgusted and spurned by everyone. These taboos may be related to morality, law, religion, culture, customs, etc., such as not slandering, cheating, betrayal, stealing, violence, etc. If you’re not sure whether something is appropriate, it’s best to consult someone with experience or look up relevant information first. 4. Appropriately demonstrate your special value (if any). If you make up a story, please be professional and don’t make up things that can be easily falsified. Special value refers to your abilities or achievements that are beyond ordinary people in a certain field or aspect, such as you have rich travel experience, are proficient in multiple languages, have special skills or certificates, etc. These special values ​​can increase your influence and appeal in social circles, but you must also be careful not to exaggerate or fabricate them. Otherwise, once exposed, it will seriously damage your credibility and image. 5. Learn to review your own conversational style for potentially objectionable parts, including speaking speed, intonation, habitual expressions, conversational habits (such as liking to grab words), foul language, arrogance, etc. These details may affect the effectiveness and quality of your communication with others, and even lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. You can check your conversation style through audio recording, video recording, feedback, etc., and improve and optimize it in a timely manner. 6. When you are not strong enough, your self-esteem is meaningless; When you are strong enough, your self-confidence can withstand criticism from others. Therefore, please refrain from stressful behaviors and words caused by self-esteem. Self-esteem is a sense of your own worth. It can motivate you to pursue higher goals, but it can also make you sensitive and vulnerable, easily affected and hurt by others. If you want to improve your social skills, you need to put aside your ego and develop your confidence instead. Confidence is a sense of one’s own abilities that allows you to remain calm and firm in the face of challenges and difficulties, and not to waver or compromise easily. If you want to improve your self-confidence, you need to continuously learn, practice, reflect, and improve to enhance your strength and competitiveness. 7. Learn to build trust with others and strengthen it in a cycle. This process is similar to the process of swiping a credit card and increasing the limit. You must build trust through things, not through words and nonsense. Commitment, which only destroys trust. Trust is one of the most important factors in social networking. It allows you to build deeper and longer-term relationships with others, and it also allows you to gain more opportunities and resources in social networking. If you want to build trust with others, you need to do the following: first, be honest, don’t lie or hide facts; second, be reliable, don’t break promises or live up to expectations; third, be respectful, don’t violate or ignore the rights and feelings of others ; Fourth, cooperate, do not benefit yourself or harm others. 8. Check your social network periodically and minimize the ineffective “playmates” part of it. Ineffective “playmates” refer to those who only consume your time, energy, money and other resources, but do not bring you any value or benefit. These people may be bored, greedy, vain, lazy, negative, etc. If you have too much contact and interaction with these people, you may be affected and dragged down by them, and even lose your own goals and direction. Therefore, you need to regularly review and clean up your social circle and eliminate these ineffective “playmates”, or at least reduce the frequency and depth of contact with them. 9. Don’t flatter others in social interactions, Don’t be rude to young people and younger generations in social interactions, Don’t use other people’s privacy as a topic in social interactions, Don’t expose your own privacy Privacy in exchange for friendship. These are some common social mistakes and traps. They may cause you to lose dignity and credibility in social circles, and may also cause you to suffer counterattacks and retaliation in social circles. If you want to avoid these mistakes and traps, you need to do the following: first, equality, do not think that you are superior or inferior to others; second, respect, do not think that you have the right or obligation to interfere or judge others; third, confidentiality, do not Think that you are qualified or necessary to know the privacy of others; the fourth is self-love, do not think that you need to use your privacy to exchange for the friendship or trust of others. 10. When distributing benefits with others, you must clearly state the distribution method in advance and do not worry about small losses. Benefit distribution is a problem that is often encountered in social interactions. For example, if you and your friends work on a project together, how should you distribute the benefits and responsibilities? If you have not discussed it in advance, or there is an unfair or unreasonable distribution between you, then you may have conflicts and disputes because of this issue. Therefore, you need to clarify and communicate your distribution method before working with others, such as according to contribution, according to input, according to agreement, etc. At the same time, you must also have a certain degree of flexibility and tolerance, and do not affect your relationship because of some small differences or losses. The above are the ten principles provided by this article for you. I hope they can help you avoid social malice and improve social efficiency and quality. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area. Thank you for reading!

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/XJG69wde/

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