A must-read for newcomers: How many of the 18 minefields in the workplace have you stepped on?

You have just graduated and started your career, and you may feel like you are still a student, or you may want to excel at work and win the recognition of your colleagues and leaders. But, you know what? In the workplace, there are many details that will affect your image and development. If you don’t pay attention, you may make some common mistakes among newcomers and get yourself into embarrassment or trouble. In order to help you adapt to the workplace environment smoothly, we have summarized eighteen details that you need to pay attention to. We hope that you can avoid these mistakes and show a mature, professional, and positive image of a newcomer to the workplace.

##1. Speak clearly, without a student accent or bookishness. In college, you may like to imitate some anime characters. way of speaking, Or they may be deliberately vague in their speech, thinking that it will make them look cute or personal. However, in the workplace, this way of speaking will make people think that you are not mature enough, not professional enough, and not confident enough. You should pay attention to your tone, speaking speed, and intonation. You should speak clearly, smoothly, and powerfully so that people can understand and feel comfortable. Don’t “act cute” in front of your boss or colleagues, and don’t show excessive emotions. You must maintain a certain level of calmness and rationality, so as to win the respect and trust of others. ##2. Do things seriously and don’t despise small things. Many newcomers want to do big things that are challenging and fulfilling when they first enter the workplace. They dismiss trivial things or do them perfunctorily. In fact, this is a very wrong attitude, because small things are also part of the job and can also reflect your work ability and attitude. If you can’t do small things well, how can you make people believe that you can do big things? Therefore, you should treat everything as an opportunity to exercise, don’t be picky, don’t be hasty, and complete every detail meticulously, so that you can accumulate experience and lay a solid foundation for doing big things in the future. ##3. Have a positive attitude and don’t show laziness or negativity. In college, you may be accustomed to a lazy and sloppy lifestyle. After work, you may not have adjusted your schedule and rhythm, resulting in poor performance at work. There is no spirit, no initiative, no enthusiasm. Such an attitude will make people think that you don’t take your work seriously, are irresponsible, and are uncooperative. You should overcome the habit of laziness, show a proactive and enthusiastic personality, take the initiative to learn, communicate and help. For example, you can take the initiative to add paper to the fax machine, take the initiative to call the water dispenser, and take the initiative to provide help to busy colleagues. In this way, you can quickly integrate into the team and gain the favor of your boss or colleagues. ##4. Smile naturally and do not show indifference or hostility. Smiling is the simplest and most effective way of communication. It can show your confidence and convey your positive attitude. In the workplace, you should smile from the bottom of your heart to everyone you interact with, whether it’s the company’s senior executives or the employees in the mailroom, and you should treat them with the same respect and friendliness. Don’t think that smiling is a kind of hypocrisy or flattery, and don’t think that smiling is a kind of weakness or surrender. Smiling is a kind of affinity, a kind of charm, and a kind of wisdom. People who are good at smiling can always get more opportunities and popularity in the workplace. ##5. Be familiar with etiquette and do not violate norms or habits. Every company has its own rules, regulations and corporate culture. As a newcomer, you must strictly abide by it and not violate the bottom line. For example, you cannot arrive late or leave early, you cannot use your office phone to make personal calls, you cannot play games during working hours, etc. These are basic workplace etiquette, and if you don’t pay attention, you may come across as undisciplined, disrespectful to the company, and unprofessional. Therefore, you should understand and become familiar with the company’s regulations as soon as possible, observe more, learn more, imitate more, and try your best to make no mistakes or mistakes. ##6. Master the unwritten rules and don’t blindly follow the trend or cross the line. In addition to the expressly stipulated rules, each company also has some unwritten rules. These rules are usually subtle. Although there are no clear requirements, everyone needs to be aware of them. obey. These rules may involve work processes, methods, and styles, as well as interpersonal relationships, communication, and etiquette. If you don’t understand these rules, you may encounter some obstacles or troubles at work, and even offend some people. Therefore, you should pay more attention, observe more, think more, summarize more, see how others deal with and solve problems, find a way that suits you, and don’t blindly follow the trend or cross the line at will. ##7. Be cautious in your comments and do not criticize or accuse at will. In college, you may enjoy the right to freedom of speech. You can express your opinions and ideas as you like, whether it is about the school system or the teacher’s teaching. You can express your opinion without any hesitation. However, you can’t do this in the workplace, because the company has a strict hierarchy. You can’t question the company’s systems and regulations casually, nor can you evaluate the work of your leaders or colleagues casually, otherwise you may It will offend some people and even affect your future. Therefore, before commenting, you should think more about your own position and perspective, the feelings and reactions of others, and your words and methods. Try to be objective, fair, and respectful, and don’t be rash or extreme. ##8. Stay away from gossip and do not participate in or spread it. The office is a place with complicated interpersonal relationships. There are always some people who like to speak ill of others behind their backs, or spread some false news to create some disputes and troubles. As a newcomer, you may not know much about the internal situation of the company, and you may not have the correct judgment, so you should not participate in or spread any office gossip, do not express your opinions or evaluations on anyone or anything, and do not credulously believe or forward any Do not get involved in any unnecessary disputes or disputes based on unverified information. Remember, keep saying good things about others behind their backs, and don’t worry that these good things won’t reach the ears of the person involved. When someone says bad things about others in front of you, just smile, don’t echo it, don’t spread it, and respect people who don’t like you. ##9. Keep your personal affairs separate and do not affect your working hours. You should concentrate on your work and do not let your personal affairs affect the efficiency and quality of your work. For example, you should not sneak out to do your own personal business, do not use your office phone to make personal calls, and do not shop or watch videos online during working hours. These are unprofessional behaviors and will make people feel that you do not respect the company, your work, or your colleagues. You should tell your relatives and friends to try not to disturb you during working hours. If there is an urgent matter, you can deal with it after get off work or during your lunch break. You should separate work time and personal time without confusion or interference. ##10. Avoid borrowing money and don’t cause trouble to your colleagues. In college, you may often borrow money from your classmates. You think this is a sign of friendship, and you don’t care about the time and method of repaying the money. However, in the workplace, you can’t do this, because colleagues are not equal to classmates, and the relationship between you is not so close or equal. If you borrow money from a colleague, you may embarrass the other person, affect the relationship between you, and even cause some misunderstandings or disputes. Therefore, you should try to avoid borrowing money from colleagues, you should learn to manage money, control your own expenses, do not overspend, and do not let yourself get into financial difficulties. If you are really in urgent need, you can borrow money from relatives and friends, or ask for a loan from a bank. Don’t cause trouble to your colleagues. ##11. Be sure to endure hardship and don’t worry about it. For newcomers in the workplace, the most important thing is not how much money they earn in a month, but how much they learn. Therefore, don’t care too much about your income and treatment, don’t compare with others, don’t complain, don’t complain. You should treat work as a learning process. Don’t be afraid of hardship or loss. You should have a mentality of starting from scratch, a motivation for continuous improvement, and the courage not to be afraid of failure. You should read more, listen more, do more, learn more, think more, revise more, ask more, summarize more, give more feedback, share more, cooperate more, innovate more and contribute more. You should find your own value and meaning in your work, and don’t lose long-term development for the sake of temporary gains and losses. ##12. Pay attention to training and don’t waste opportunities. Generally speaking, every company will conduct certain induction training for new employees. This is a way for you to quickly understand the company’s history, current situation, system, culture, business, and processes. It is also an opportunity for you to quickly improve your knowledge, skills, quality, and abilities. Therefore, you should pay attention to the company’s training and don’t feel bored, a waste of time, or useless. You should listen carefully, memorize carefully, practice seriously, ask questions carefully, answer seriously, give feedback seriously, summarize seriously, improve seriously, and apply seriously. You should regard training as an investment, a gain, a growth, and an opportunity. ##13. Learn to be independent and don’t rely on others. In college, you may be used to completing some tasks under the guidance of teachers or classmates. Even if you encounter some difficulties, you don’t have to worry, there will always be someone to help you solve it. However, in the workplace, you can’t do this, because your work is your own responsibility, you have to complete it independently, and you have to find solutions on your own. You can’t always rely on others, and you can’t always shirk responsibility. . Therefore, you should adjust your mentality, get rid of dependence, become familiar with your work as soon as possible, dare to take responsibility, dare to face challenges, dare to solve problems, dare to think independently, dare to act independently, dare to innovate independently, dare to express independently, dare to Grow independently. ##14. Be moderate and don’t be too showy. Many new people entering the workplace want to show their abilities and characteristics at work and win the appreciation and trust of colleagues and leaders. This is a very normal psychology, and it is also a very enterprising psychology. However, you should not choose jobs that are too difficult, too risky, or even beyond your capabilities just to get ahead. That will put you in trouble and even make you lose credibility. Don’t neglect your own work or take someone else’s job just to get ahead. This will offend your colleagues and even make you lose the team. You should demonstrate your strengths and specialties appropriately, without being overly assertive, overconfident, or overly egotistical. On the basis of doing your own job well, you should accept some challenging, developmental, and valuable work in a timely manner. Don’t rush for success, don’t aim too high, but proceed step by step, work steadily, and act within your capabilities. Seek truth from facts. ##15. Learning should be continuous and don’t stagnate. In college, you may feel that you have learned a lot of knowledge, mastered a lot of skills, and acquired a lot of qualities. However, you cannot do this in the workplace, because the workplace is an environment that is constantly changing and updating. Your knowledge, skills, and qualities need to constantly keep up with the times, constantly adapt to the needs of the work, and constantly improve. own competitiveness. Therefore, you should maintain an attitude towards learning. Don’t feel that you are good enough, don’t feel that you have nothing to learn, don’t feel that you have no time to study, and don’t feel that you have no motivation to study. You should take advantage of all opportunities to learn, such as company training, colleagues’ experience, network resources, book knowledge, etc. You should take the initiative to learn, actively practice, reflect reflectively, and innovatively apply. You should make your learning a habit, an interest, an enjoyment, and an achievement. You should let your learning bring progress, change, improvement, and value. ##16. Communicate effectively and don’t work behind closed doors. In college, you may be used to doing things alone or discussing with classmates. You may feel that your ideas and methods are correct, or you may feel that your own problems and confusions You can solve everything yourself. However, in the workplace, you cannot do this, because your work is in collaboration with others, your ideas and methods need to be communicated and coordinated with others, and your problems and confusions need to be shared and asked for help. Therefore, you should learn to communicate effectively, don’t work behind closed doors, don’t be self-admiring, and don’t be smart. You should communicate with your colleagues, which can help you become familiar with the work process, understand work requirements, improve work efficiency, and enhance teamwork; you should communicate with your superiors, which can clarify your job responsibilities and understand your work progress. Feedback on your work results, get your work evaluation, and get your work guidance; you should communicate with the personnel in the HR department so that you can understand your work status, solve your work difficulties, improve your work environment, and protect your Work rights. ##17. Dress appropriately and not be too casual or ostentatious. In college, you may like to wear your favorite clothes, whether it is fashionable or casual. You may feel that this can show your personality and taste, or you You may feel that this makes you feel comfortable and at ease. However, in the workplace, you cannot do this, because your dress will affect your image and temperament, as well as your work and relationships. Therefore, you should choose suitable clothing according to the nature of your work, position, and occasion. Don’t be too casual, don’t be too flamboyant, don’t be too fashion-conscious, and don’t stand out too much. You should wear neat, generous, decent, and formal clothing. This can make you look more professional, confident, stable, and tasteful, and can also make you more adaptable to the atmosphere and culture of the workplace. ##18. Balance must be mastered and don’t neglect life. In college, you may have a lot of time and space to arrange your study and life. You may have many interests and hobbies to enrich your spirit and emotions. You may have many friends and relatives to accompany you as you grow and change. However, you cannot do this in the workplace, because your time and space will be restricted and affected by work, your interests and hobbies will be impacted and challenged by work, and your friends and relatives will be alienated and affected by work. ignore. Therefore, you should learn to master balance, don’t let work take up all of you, don’t neglect your life, don’t lose your self. You should arrange your work and life reasonably, and do not overwork, overrest, overspend, overly frugal, overindulge, or be overly depressed. You should find fun in work, support in life, passion in interests, warmth in love, trust in friendship, and comfort in family ties. You should let work and life promote each other, balance each other, enrich each other, and improve each other. The above are eighteen details that newcomers to the workplace need to pay attention to. I hope you can keep them in mind to avoid making mistakes, adapt to the workplace environment smoothly, and show a mature, professional, and positive image of a newcomer to the workplace. I wish you success in your work and a happy life! Free Online Psychological Test Test what workplace qualities you lack? Test address:

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