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Psychological Test: Test Your Sex Type

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 2
Sex is an important factor in the harmonious relationship between husband and wife. For two people to get along happily, they must not only respect each other as guests in the hall, but also be as gluey as glue under the quilt. Regarding sex, men and women have always had different views. Whether they can meet the requirements of two people affects whether the relationship between husband and wife...

Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test

Workplace/career 4 1 minute 4
Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test
John Holland is a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University and a famous career guidance expert in the United States. He proposed the vocational interest theory in 1959, which has broad social influence. It is believed that people's personality type, interests and occupation are closely related. Interest is a huge driving force for people's activities. Any occupation with occupational in...

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