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How to set a scientific goal for yourself - SMART principle

Importance of goals In the process of growing up in life, it is very important to set a goal for yourself. Goals can help us see clearly the vision we want to achieve, inspire our motivation and drive, guide us to take effective actions, and promote our self-improvement and realization. In psychology, there is a model called Position-Link-Change-Outcome that helps us understand the role of goals...

Unknown love trivia between couples! How many do you know?

Unknown love trivia between couples! How many do you know?
Hey guys! Want to know the little secrets between lovers? 😉 Did you know that hugging is not only an expression, it can also produce oxytocin, which makes each other trust and like each other more! Moreover, holding your lover’s little hand can actually relieve pain and anxiety! Let’s uncover these mysteries together! 💖 Hugging for 20 seconds can produce oxytocin, making the other person trust ...

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